Careers in Maths
Maths is the most recent subject to have their careers week. As part of our new partnership with Sunderland University, the theme of this year’s Maths careers week was ‘Stepping into Higher Education with Maths’. During the lesson, students had the opportunity to explore what types of courses are available at university that involve studying Maths. This doesn’t just include ‘maths’ degrees but also maths ‘with’ another subject, such as Business, Finance, Accounting and Computing. Alternative degrees involving maths include Theoretical Physics, Natural Sciences and Astrophysics. Maths is also an important part of many other degree subjects. Students also explored different career pathways where maths is used regularly such as Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Energy Production and Aerodynamics. Finally, students had the opportunity to look at the job of a ‘Data Analyst’ and to explore what they do each day.