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Exploring Careers in the NHS

A small group of Year 10 with aspirations of a career in healthcare hopped in the minibus with Mrs Oliver-Orr to enjoy an event all about careers in the NHS, where they met a huge range of healthcare professionals and learned about daily life in lots of different roles. There...
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STEMFest on the Go

On Thursday 10th October, Mrs Oliver-Orr took a group of Year 7 & 8 students to the Beacon of light to take part in STEM Fest. There were a huge range of STEM-based companies there (with plenty of freebies!) and students took part with enthusiasm. Highlights included meeting...
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World Record Poetry

On Thursday 3rd October, we celebrated National Poetry Day in style! Pupils from Years 8 and 9 had the opportunity to explore this year’s theme of what ‘counts’ to them and what they think is important. Some pupils performed their poem for their class, with some...
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BBC Bite Size Road Show

We recently had a very special visit from the BBC Bitesize Careers Roadshow. The production team from the BBC set up lights, screens, microphones in the Main Hall and students in Years 7 to 9 and Sixth Form took part in presentations throughout the day. We were delighted to...
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Macmillan Coffee Morning 2024

Thank you to everyone who came to support our Sixth Form Macmillan Bake sale last Friday! Each form bought and baked their own treats and competed against each other to raise the most money for this important charity. The totals from each form will go towards our Sixth Form Cup...
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Sporting Enrichment Returns to Southmoor

Last week saw the start of the PE departments extracurricular clubs and in true Sunderland fashion the heavens opened, and the rain was coming in sideways. This didn’t stop the students from coming and enjoying what was on offer. Girls football, Rugby and the Year 7...
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Young Engineers at Nissan

During a visit to the Nissan Sunderland Plant Year 10 Engineering pupils heard how engineers are adapting to an ever-changing world. Students heard more about the 100% electric Nissan LEAF – and had a tour of the production line and they got to see the current cars being...
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An Electrifying RAF Roadshow

On Friday morning, we were delighted to welcome the BAE Systems, RAF and Royal Navy STEM Roadshow into school once again to deliver workshops to Years 7 and 8 students. The theme of the workshops this year was ‘Electricity’. During the workshop, using multimedia and...
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Denim for DNA

Last Friday we donned our denim in support of the national charitable initiative ‘Jeans for Genes Day’. The organisation helps disorder-specific charities and patient groups to deliver inspiring projects and support services for children affected by a genetic disorder in the UK....
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An Outstanding Open Evening

This year’s annual open evening once again highlighted Southmoor’s appeal to parents, as they flocked to our doors eager to discover more about us. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our unique qualities and explain why we are one of Sunderland’s most...
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