Year 7 Expected Subject Standards
Year 7 Art
Working towards expected standard
- Experiment with a variety of drawing materials to create marks and attempts at linear form creating both 3D and 2D shapes. The ability to apply tone to drawings may be limited and unrealistic.
- Understand what observational drawing is and has a range of drawings from both secondary and primary sources. Drawings from imagination rather than observation may be evident.
- Works with a variety of textures, colours, photo editing software and mark making materials in response to an artist and can make links between their work and that of others both verbally and in their sketchbook
Working at the expected standard
- Experiment and refine observational work with a variety of drawing materials to create marks. Can create 3D and 2D shapes with careful application of tone and use of perspective.
- Observational drawings and secondary drawings show a link to independent work at home to develop drawing skills and are clearly inspired by the work of artists. Students can describe the process used and they can explain why this is important when generating ideas.
- Understanding of colour wheel (primary, secondary and tertiary colours) and application of this within work.
- Artist research sheets include experimental and accurate copies of the work with written analysis linked to the artist using similar materials to them, applying control. Students show a link to the artist in their own work.
- Selection of appropriate resources to develop a final response insured by independent work.
Working at greater depth
- Thoughtfully select appropriate resources through extensive experimentation with materials to exploit the qualities of the media to develop a high quality final piece.
- Confidently analyse and select sources from different artists and cultures to influence the design of final piece to include new ideas and independent planning.
- Realistic tonal drawing and painting is achieved through experimentation and reviewing artistic studies and mark making. Final pieces have been carefully considered and planned via extensive research.
- Written and verbal analysis of artistic techniques, including how it can be identified with personal taste and how this can influence own designs
- Colour theory is understood and applied to painting to improve final outcomes.
Year 7 Computer Science
Working towards expected standard
- Identify the dangers in the online world and know how to report these
- Create documents using a range of software applications which demonstrate some use of layout, colours & tools to have limited impact on the quality of the document and its ability to fulfil its purpose
- Use basic functions and formatting techniques in a spreadsheet
- Use a basic database table tools to organise and store data
- Use sequence, selection and some basic iteration in building a program
- Identify basic input devices used in a desktop computer
Working at the expected standard
- Identify inappropriate conduct in the online world. Describe what signs suggest someone may be an online groomer. How to report concerns related to the online world.
- Create documents using a range of software applications which demonstrate some good use of layout, colours & tools to have some impact on the quality of the document and its ability to fulfil its purpose.
- Select appropriate functions for given needs and use these functions correctly to meet a given criteria
- Demonstrate competency in basic data and presentation formatting
- Use a basic database table tools as well as produce simple query to record results of a given search and produce a simple report from the query.
- Independently select, use and explain; sequence, selection and iteration in writing a program
- Independently debug logic errors in a program
- Identify input devices which a computer can collect data from
- Understand the types of data which are collected from the input devices
Working at greater depth
- How to report inappropriate conduct and to whom
- Produce a range of documents, demonstrating some limited use of layout, colours & tools, to have some impact on the quality and purpose of the final document
- Format a Spreadsheet effectively using a range of formatting techniques
- Make some use of basic arithmetic operators to perform calculations on given data
- Select appropriate data types and perform basic sorting / searching techniques to interrogate data
- Identify where aspects of sequence, selection and iteration are used in a given program as well as recognising what can stop a program from working effectively
- Identify the internal components of a computer system
Year 7 Drama
Working towards expected standard
- Can create a short performance
- Can contribute some simple ideas
- Uses basic performance skills some of the time e.g. face the audience, projection
- Tries to create a character who is different from themselves (simple change of voice / movement or gesture)
- Can use basic drama techniques e.g. still image
- Can sustain focus for some of a performance
- Comments on some successful aspects of a performance
- Uses some drama words when talking about their work.
- Written work includes some basic drama language which is mostly spelt correctly
Working at the expected standard
- Can offer ideas / suggestions to the group and justify their idea
- Can create a performance which is organised well. Structure is beginning to be a deliberate choice
- Works cooperatively with group to create a performance.
- Basic performance skills are used most of the time
- Can use more than one characterisation skill when performing. (voice, movement, gesture)
- Can use several drama techniques
- Can sustain focus for most of a scene
- Can compare own work to other groups, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
- Can offer some constructive feedback and respond to feedback from others
- Uses drama vocab quite confidently when discussing work
Includes drama vocabulary in written work and most words are accurately spelt
Working at greater depth
- Contributes imaginative ideas for practical work with justification
- Creates a well-structured performance and can suggest drama techniques to use in performance for deliberate effect
- Beginning to show responsibility. Can support others and encourage everyone to participate
- Can analyse the strengths of their work and that of others
- Offers clear and effective feedback to others and develops own work in response to feedback received
- In oral evaluation uses drama vocabulary accurately and confidently
- Written evaluation shows a clear understanding of the considerable subject specific vocabulary used.
- Can analyse in detail how intended meaning or effect has been created
Working towards expected standard
- Demonstrates limited knowledge, understanding and application of geographical information and issues.
- Demonstrates basic understanding of geographical processes and relationships between people and the environment.
- Suggests basic geographical questions and makes basic comments with some reference to evidence.
- Use some basic geographical skills and techniques with limited accuracy.
- Demonstrates a limited use of geographical vocabulary.
Working at the expected standard
- Demonstrates mostly accurate and appropriate knowledge, understanding and application of geographical information and issues.
- Demonstrates clear understanding of geographical processes and relationships between people and the environment.
- Suggests relevant geographical questions and makes constructive comments with clear reference to evidence.
- Demonstrates competency in geographical skills and techniques with good accuracy.
- Demonstrates a range of geographical vocabulary.
Working at greater depth
- Demonstrates accurate and appropriate knowledge, understanding and application of geographical information and issues.
- Demonstrates more detailed understanding of geographical processes and relationships between people and the environment.
- Suggests topical geographical questions and makes constructive comments with more detailed reference to evidence.
- Demonstrates range and depth in geographical skills and techniques with more detailed accuracy.
- Demonstrates a wider range of geographical vocabulary.
Year 7 Geography
Year 7 History
Working towards expected standard
- Identify some of the impact originating from main events and changes.
- Begin to describe some main events, people and periods.
- Begin to recognise the period study has been interpreted by others.
- Begin to describe causes/consequences/changes/effects.
- Begin to evaluate/infer some features of sources
Working at the expected standard
- Beginning to explain more than one cause/consequence/change/effect for particular enquiries and how events have been interpreted by others.
- Begin to evaluate the origin, nature and purpose of sources to establish relevant evidence for particular enquiries.
- Describe in detail more than one key feature of a topic.
- Explain links between factors.
- Communication is mostly successful in terms of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Working at greater depth
- When establishing the evidence for a particular enquiry, pupils consider critically issues surrounding the origin, nature and purpose of sources.
- Explain in detail causes/consequences/changes/effects for particular enquiries and make clear links between them
- Judgements made are well developed with a clear criterion to support their interpretations and how they differ/agree with others.
- Communication is consistently clear in terms of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
- Increasingly sophisticated use of vocabulary in well-structured work.
Year 7 Maths
Working towards expected standard
- Fluency: Consolidate numerical and mathematical capability from key stage 2 and extend understanding of the number system and place value to include decimals, fractions, powers and roots
- Mathematical reasoning: Extend understanding of the number system; make connections between number relationships, and algebraic and graphical representations
- Problem solving: Develop mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes, including multi-step problems
Working at the expected standard
- Fluency: – Substitute values in expressions, rearrange and simplify expressions, and solve equations move freely between different numerical, algebraic, graphical and diagrammatic representations [for example, equivalent fractions, fractions and decimals, and equations and graphs; Use algebra to generalise the structure of arithmetic, including to formulate mathematical relationships
- Mathematical Reasoning: Extend and formalise knowledge of ratio and proportion in working with measures and geometry, and in formulating proportional relations algebraically; identify variables and express relations between variables algebraically and graphically; Interpret when the structure of a numerical problem requires additive, multiplicative or proportional reasoning
- Problem Solving: Develop use of formal mathematical knowledge to interpret and solve problems, including in financial mathematics
Working at greater depth
- Fluency: Select and use appropriate calculation strategies to solve increasingly complex problems; Develop algebraic and graphical fluency, including understanding linear and simple quadratic functions; Use language and properties precisely to analyse numbers, algebraic expressions, 2-D and 3-D shapes, probability and statistics.
- Mathematical Reasoning: Make and test conjectures about patterns and relationships; look for proofs or counterexamples; Begin to reason deductively in geometry, number and algebra, including using geometrical constructions; Explore what can and cannot be inferred in statistical and probabilistic settings, and begin to express their arguments formally
- Problem Solving: Begin to model situations mathematically and express the results using a range of formal mathematical representations; Select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems
Year 7 MFL
Working towards expected standard
- Use the present tense of some common verbs (first person)
- Use some basic grammatical structures and patterns
- Use a basic vocabulary relating to topics covered
- Give basic opinions
- Attempt to use accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation
- Listen to words and short sentences on familiar topics and respond appropriately
- Transcribe some basic words that they hear
- Take part in short prepared conversations, using familiar language
- Say words and short phrases, with understandable pronunciation
- Read and show some comprehension of words and short sentences on familiar topics
- Attempt an English translation of words and short sentences
- Write short sentences using appropriate grammar and vocabulary
attempt to translate words and short sentences into the foreign language.
Working at the expected standard
- Use the present tense of regular and key irregular verbs
- Use and manipulate basic grammatical structures and patterns
- Develop and use a vocabulary relating to topics covered
- Give opinions
- Use accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation
- Listen to short texts on familiar topics and respond appropriately
- Transcribe words that they hear
- Take part in short conversations, using familiar language
- Speak coherently, with understandable pronunciation
- Read and show comprehension of short texts on familiar topics
- Provide an accurate English translation of words and short sentences
- Read literary texts in the language [such as stories, songs, poems and letters], to identify key ideas and expand understanding of the language and culture
- Write short texts using some range of grammar and vocabulary
- Translate words and short sentences with some accuracy into the foreign language.
Working at greater depth
- Use the present tense of a wide range of regular and irregular verbs
- Identify verbs in the past or future tense
- Develop and use a wide vocabulary relating to topics covered and some unfamiliar
- Give opinions and reasons
- Listen to texts on familiar and unfamiliar topics and respond appropriately
- Transcribe words and phrases that they hear
- Take part in short conversations, using familiar and unfamiliar language
- Speak coherently and confidently, with good pronunciation
- Read and show comprehension of longer texts on familiar and unfamiliar topics
- Provide an accurate English translation of short texts
- Write longer texts using a wide range of grammar and vocabulary
- Translate short texts with reasonable accuracy into the foreign language
Year 7 Music
Working towards expected standard
- Analysis of the Musical Elements is mostly successful
- Conscious use of musical vocabulary in all writing
- Attempt made to improve other student’s analysis
- Sustained attempt to match the purpose of a piece in performance
- Some ability to make improvements to own work – on advice from teacher
- Attempts to perform simple melodic and rhythmic patterns
- Some ability to organise sounds into unique work
- Attempts to represent sound with symbols
Working at the expected standard
Some attention to structure
- Analysis of the Musical Elements is thorough and accurate
- Musical Vocabulary used for effect and as a matter of course when listening to and discussing music.
- Thoughtful improvements suggested for other student’s analysis
- Increasingly advanced musical vocabulary attempted
- The purpose of a piece is clear from the student’s interpretation
- Ability to make consistent improvements to own work
- Attempts to perform works which reflect varying purposes
- Ability to perform as part of a group with awareness of how the parts fit together
- Ability to organise sounds into a unique work and comment on the intended effect
- Ability to represent sound with symbols and some knowledge of musical notation
- Thoughtful consideration of structure in all compositions
- Utilise a variety of musical devices to create music for different purposes
Working at greater depth
- Analysis of the Musical Elements is insightful and convincing throughout
- Identify the different processes and contexts of different styles, genres and traditions
- Insightful and beneficial improvements suggested for other student’s analysis
- Increasingly advanced musical vocabulary used with effect.
- Ability to discriminate between musical conventions in, and influences on, selected styles, genres and traditions
- Ability to make consistent improvements to own work
- Convincing performance of works which successfully reflect varying purposes
- Ability to make subtle adjustments to fit their own part to benefit the group’s performance
- Improvise and compose in different styles and genres and discuss the devices used to achieve the intended effect
- Make use of a variety of notation
- Effective use of structure in all compositions
- Successfully compose music for different occasions using appropriate musical devices
Year 7 PE
Working towards expected standard
- Performance of Skills: Performs some or most of the fundamental skills with limited control
- Knowledge of Health Related Fitness: Has some understanding of several fitness components and their importance in a variety of sporting situations. Can give a simple explanation of how to test these fitness components. Has some understanding of the importance of warming up prior to physical activity
- Decision making: Can make simple decisions in closed skill and practice situations. Let’s others make the majority of decisions for them
- Coaching: Can comment on a performance, ‘good’ or ‘bad’ by identifying basic strengths and areas for improvement
- Character & Attitude: Is reasonably positive showing some determination. Can be trusted to work sensibly follows rules and expectations
- Leadership: Is able to take responsibility for basic tasks such as scoring or officiating, with support from others
Working at the expected standard
Some attention to structure
- Performance of skills: Performs most skills to a satisfactory or good standard with a consistent level of performance
- Knowledge of Health Related Fitness: Has a good understanding of most fitness components and their importance in a variety of sporting situations. Can explain most of the benefits of warming up prior to physical activity
- Decision making: Makes the correct decisions more often in competitive situations leading to success in a performance
- Coaching: Can identify strength and weaknesses in performance and offer suggestions for improvement
- Character & Attitude: Is positive when working, showing a determined approach to succeed. Can be trusted to work to the best of their ability most of the time, in all activities
- Leadership: Is able to take responsibility for basic tasks such as scoring or officiating and lead a small group activity without minimal support
Working at greater depth
- Performance of skills: Consistently performs the vast majority of skills to a good or excellent standard showing precision and control
- Knowledge of Health Related Fitness: Has a very good understanding of all fitness components and their importance in a variety of sporting situations. Can fully explain the benefits of warming up prior to physical activity
- Decision making: Always makes the correct decisions in competitive situations leading to successful performance outcomes
- Coaching: Can analyse a performance identifying strength and weaknesses and offer suggestions for improvement and progression
- Character & Attitude: Is always extremely positive when working, with a significant drive and determination to succeed. Can always be trusted to work to the best of their ability in all activities
- Leadership: Can lead a small group of pupils (eg. a warm up) with confidence and can confidently adopt a role as an official
Year 7 Writing Standards
Working towards expected standard
- Communicates with some success at times simple ideas
- Attempts to match / simple awareness of purpose, form and audience; attempts to control register
- Begins to vary vocabulary with some use of linguistic devices
- Some linked and relevant ideas
- Attempt to write in paragraphs with some discourse markers, not always appropriate / paragraphing can be random at times
- Attempts to use structural features
- Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and sometimes accurate
- Some control of basic punctuation
- Attempts a variety of sentence forms – mainly simple range
- Some use of Standard English with some control of agreement
- Some accurate spelling of more complex words / accurate basic spelling
Working at the expected standard
- Pupils can write confidently so that the main purpose of their writing is clear, using relevant ideas and imaginative word choices
- Pupils can use a clear range of sentence structures (including complex) and regularly use connectives in their writing
- Pupils can use a range of punctuation accurately in their sentences including commas to mark their clauses. and are beginning to vary their punctuation use including uses of semi colons and colons
- Pupils can write in clear sentences and organise their work in linked paragraphs
- Overall, spelling is generally correct
Working at greater depth
- Overall, spelling is generally correct
- Pupils must be able to write sophisticatedly so that the purpose of their writing is clear, using challenging conventions and ambitious vocabulary
- Pupils must be able to sophisticatedly use a range of sentence structures (simple, complex and compound) to show their purpose and achieve an effect on their reader (including adverbial sentence starters and embedded clauses)
- Pupils must be able to use a full range of punctuation accurately and confidently including colons and semi colons, brackets and hyphens
- Pupils must be able to write correctly and use linked paragraphs (that alter in shape and size) to make their writing more cohesive
Year 7 Science
Working towards expected standard
- Uses simple science terminology
- Make simple physical models
- Identifies evidence used to support/refute arguments and ideas
- Describes some benefits and drawbacks
- Uses simple scientific and mathematical conventions
- Uses a frame to construct tables, uses +/- decimal numbers
- Constructs charts and plots graphs
- Plans a simple fair test. Selects appropriate equipment. Identifies obvious risk. Makes series of measurements and reasoned prediction
- Describes patterns from data, charts and graphs. Makes simple conclusions using evidence and suggests reasons improvements
Working at the expected standard
- Uses complex scientific terminology
- Uses simple models
- Identifies use of evidence and creative thinking to develop scientific ideas
- Identifies ethical, moral and environmental issues
- Collaborates to improve collected evidence (reliability). Uses appropriate language and conventions
- Constructs tables independently. Decides on most appropriate format. Records repeated data
- Constructs graphs independently. Decides on most appropriate format
- Recognises significant variables. Plans for reliability. Makes reasoned equipment selections. Controls obvious risk. Measured systematically. Uses knowledge and understanding to make prediction
- Identifies and offers an explanation for anomalies in repeated data.
- Makes conclusions using several pieces of evidence.
- Evaluates method and suggests improvements
Working at greater depth
- Uses terminology accurately
- Uses an abstract model to help explain events
- Describes a range of evidence for/against a scientific argument
- Discusses ethical/moral issues
- Communicates qualitative and quantitative data
- Manipulates and transforms data appropriately. Collects adequate data
- Chooses appropriate scales on graphs. Draws a line of best fit. Plots multiple data sets on the same axis
- Uses variable terminology. Justifies method using science. Uses equipment with precision. Controls a range of familiar risks. Plans for reliability and accuracy
- Comments on the quality of data. Explains anomalies with knowledge and understanding. Valid conclusion consistent with evidence, explained using knowledge and understanding. Uses quantitative relationships to conclude and predict. Explains limitations of evidence
Year 8 Expected Subject Standards
Year 8 Art
Working towards expected standard
- Works with purpose to create 2D and 3D responses to the work of artists and themes
- Records ideas, plans, thoughts and sketches in a sketchbook to show how they have been inspired by the work of artists to improve their final outcome
- Attempt to apply technical understanding of drawing and painting: gridding up to scale, painting to apply tone, observational drawing using guidelines and measurement, correct use of colour
- Explain the purpose of their work and that of others to create expressive and individualised work
Working at the expected standard
- Clear improved accuracy when drawing from both secondary and primary sources. Technical drawing shows use of measurement and guidelines, tonal work is applied carefully with appropriate materials in wet and dry materials
- Follows a sequence of design steps to carefully consider the process of a final outcome, using various drawings, computer software, plans and artist research to inspire a final piece.
- Students can safely model in 3D using appropriate materials to replicate the design process.
- Creates imaginative responses to reflect their own society and interests
- Can apply control when applying watercolour paint and can also paint to express emotion. This can be linked to appropriate artists and expressed verbally and in written format
Working at greater depth
- Engages in purposeful and open ended research into artists and themes which results in creative and personal responses to the project
- Applies control when creating realistic replicas of artist’s/designers work using correct measurement, tonal use of paint and pencil and correct use of colour theory
- Uses a variety of sources to document work: photo editing/paint/collage/drawing, the process is documented in a sketchbook and is clearly annotated to describe the process. This can also be verbally communicated to suggest how artists and designers have influenced ideas
Year 8 Computer Science
Working towards expected standard
- Produce a range of documents, demonstrating some limited use of layout, colours & tools, to have some impact on the quality and purpose of the final document
- Format a Spreadsheet effectively using a range of formatting techniques
- Make some use of basic arithmetic operators to perform calculations on given data
- Select appropriate data types and perform basic sorting / searching techniques to interrogate data
- Use basic HTML language to create a simple webpage
- Identify where aspects of sequence, selection and iteration are used in a given program as well as recognising what can stop a program from working effectively
- Identify the internal components of a computer system
- State why binary is used
- Carry out simple operations with binary values
Working at the expected standard
- Identify inappropriate conduct in the online world. Describe what signs suggest someone may be an online groomer. How to report concerns related to the online world.
- Create documents using a range of software applications which demonstrate some good use of layout, colours & tools to have some impact on the quality of the document and its ability to fulfil its purpose.
- Select appropriate functions for given needs and use these functions correctly to complete a set task.
- Demonstrate competency in basic data and presentation formatting (currency, decimal, cell borders, fill colours etc.)
- Use a basic database table tools as well as produce simple query to record results of a given search and produce a simple report from the query.
- Use a range of basic and some complex structures in coding a web page using HTML
- Independently select, use and explain; sequence, selection and iteration in writing a program
- Independently debug logic errors in a program
- Identify input devices which a computer can collect data from
- Understand the types of data which are collected from the input devices
- Explain: what is meant by one-bit colour – why computers transfer data in binary – how to count in binary and how to add nibbles and bytes in Binary
Working at greater depth
- Analyse ethical and moral issues surrounding the use of ICT
- Consistently show appropriate use of layout, colours and a range of tools to produce documents that clearly meets their purpose
- Independently format a Spreadsheet effectively using a range of formatting techniques, justifying the use of techniques applied
- Independently use of a range of arithmetic operators, functions and formulae to perform calculations on given data
- Independently select and justify appropriate data types and perform more advanced sorting / searching techniques to interrogate data
- Independently analyse a problem and apply sequence, selection, iteration and arrays to create a series of programs and/or web pages, to meet given criteria
- Explain what functions are performed by the internal components of a computer
- Analyse logic circuits and calculate outcomes using truth tables
Year 8 Drama
Working towards expected standard
- Can offer ideas / suggestions to the group and justify their idea
- Can create a performance which is organised well. Structure is beginning to be a deliberate choice
- Works cooperatively with group to create a performance.
- Basic performance skills are used most of the time
- Can use more than one characterisation skill when performing. (voice, movement, gesture)
- Can use several drama techniques
- Can sustain focus for most of a scene
- Can compare own work to other groups, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
- Can offer some constructive feedback and respond to feedback from others
- Uses drama vocab quite confidently when discussing work
- Includes drama vocabulary in written work and most words are accurately spelt
Working at the expected standard
- Contributes imaginative ideas for practical work with justification
- Creates a well-structured performance and can suggest drama techniques to use in performance for deliberate effect
- Beginning to show responsibility. Can support others and encourage everyone to participate.
- Performs confidently and knows how to use the performance space.
- Can confidently uses several characterisation skills to create a role
- Show awareness of the audience.
- Uses multiple drama techniques in a performance
- Can sustain focus for a whole scene
- Can analyse the strengths of their work and that of others
- Offers clear and effective feedback to others and develops own work in response to feedback received
- In oral evaluation uses drama vocabulary accurately and confidently
- Written evaluation shows a clear understanding of the considerable subject specific vocabulary used
Working at greater depth
- Contributes imaginative and sometimes original ideas for practical work
- Structure is deliberate to achieve an intended impact on an audience
- Can confidently lead and motivates other, driving their group forward
- Confidently chooses elements needed to create surprising, original and effective performances
- Assured and imaginative use of a wide range of characterisation skills
- Uses multiple drama techniques and can justify their relevance
- Can sustain focus for an extended performance
- Can analyse in detail how intended meaning or effect has been created
- Offers insightful and meaningful feedback
- Evaluates work orally, speaking fluently and using considerable drama vocabulary
- Written evaluation is fluent and mostly accurate
Year 8 Geography
Working towards expected standard
- Demonstrates mostly accurate and appropriate knowledge, understanding and application of geographical information and issues
- Demonstrates clear understanding of geographical processes and relationships between people and the environment
- Suggest relevant geographical questions and make constructive comments with clear reference to evidence
- Demonstrates competency in geographical skills and techniques with good accuracy
- Demonstrates a range of geographical vocabulary
- Demonstrates a limited use of geographical vocabulary
Working at the expected standard
- Demonstrates accurate and appropriate knowledge, understanding and application of geographical information and issues
- Demonstrates more detailed understanding of geographical processes and relationships between people and the environment
- Suggests topical geographical questions and makes constructive comments with more detailed reference to evidence
- Demonstrates range and depth in geographical skills and techniques with more detailed accuracy
- Demonstrates a wider range of geographical vocabulary
Working at greater depth
- Demonstrates a high level of appropriate knowledge, understanding and application of geographical information and issues
- Demonstrates detailed understanding of geographical processes and relationships between people and the environment
- Suggests high order geographical questions and makes constructive comments with direct reference to detailed and appropriate evidence
- Demonstrates competency and depth in wide range of geographical skills and techniques with detailed accuracy.
- Demonstrates a wide range of geographical vocabulary
Year 8 History
Working towards expected standard
- When establishing the evidence for a particular enquiry, they consider critically issues surrounding the origin, nature and purpose of sources, as well as making some inferences from sources
- Begin to explain in detail causes/consequences /changes/effects for particular interpretations
- Identify similarities/differences/change and continuity between studies
- The majority of the communication is consistently clear in terms of spelling, punctuation and grammar
- Beginning to use a wide range of increasingly sophisticated use of vocabulary that is well structured with a good historical understanding
Working at the expected standard
- Make detailed evaluations on the purpose of the source and make a judgement on utility
- Explain in detail causes/consequences/changes/effects for particular enquiries and make judgement on most important issue
- Explain and analyse in depth links between events.
- Identify similarities/differences/change and continuity between studies and explain these in detail
- Detailed and appropriate use of historical subject knowledge that is used to support and argue different historical interpretations. Communication is consistently clear in terms of spelling, punctuation and grammar that is well structured throughout and includes historical terminology
Working at greater depth
- Make detailed comments on the utility of sources, as well as evaluate critically, and in depth a wide range of sources, reaching substantiated conclusions about them regarding the nature, origin, purpose and utility.
- Select, organise make appropriate use of historical terminology to produce well-structured work by using sound historical knowledge
- Describe a wide range of causes/consequences between studies and make detailed links between them and make judgement on most important
- Communication is convincing throughout, as well as a wide range of punctuation used that fluently links paragraphs
- An awareness of change and continuity over time when analysing a particular enquiry and begins to explain reasons for these changes
Year 8 Maths
Working towards expected standard
- Fluency: – Substitute values in expressions, rearrange and simplify expressions, and solve equations move freely between different numerical, algebraic, graphical and diagrammatic representations [for example, equivalent fractions, fractions and decimals, and equations and graphs; Use algebra to generalise the structure of arithmetic, including to formulate mathematical relationships
- Mathematical Reasoning: Extend and formalise knowledge of ratio and proportion in working with measures and geometry, and in formulating proportional relations algebraically; identify variables and express relations between variables algebraically and graphically; Interpret when the structure of a numerical problem requires additive, multiplicative or proportional reasoning
- Problem Solving: Develop use of formal mathematical knowledge to interpret and solve problems, including in financial mathematics
Working at the expected standard
- Fluency: Select and use appropriate calculation strategies to solve increasingly complex problems; Develop algebraic and graphical fluency, including understanding linear and simple quadratic functions; Use language and properties precisely to analyse numbers, algebraic expressions, 2-D and 3-D shapes, probability and statistics.
- Mathematical Reasoning: Make and test conjectures about patterns and relationships; look for proofs or counterexamples; Begin to reason deductively in geometry, number and algebra, including using geometrical constructions; Explore what can and cannot be inferred in statistical and probabilistic settings, and begin to express their arguments formally
- Problem Solving: Begin to model situations mathematically and express the results using a range of formal mathematical representations; Select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems
Working at greater depth
- Fluency: Select and use appropriate calculation strategies to solve increasingly complex problems, including powers, roots, exact calculations involving multiples of π, use of standard form and application and limits of accuracy; Algebraic simplification and manipulation to include quadratic expressions; Fluency with expressions and equations includes quadratic equations, simultaneous equations and inequalities; Move freely between different numerical, algebraic, graphical and diagrammatic representations, including of linear, quadratic, reciprocal, {exponential and trigonometric} functions
- Mathematical reasoning: Knowledge of ratio and proportion, including trigonometric ratios, in geometry, algebra and graphs; Look for proofs or counter-examples; begin to use algebra to support and construct arguments {and proofs}
Problem Solving: Make and use connections between different parts of mathematics to solve problems; Select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems.
Year 8 MFL
Working towards expected standard
- Identify tenses or other structures which convey the present, past, and future
- Use and manipulate some key grammatical structures and patterns
- Develop and use a vocabulary beyond the basics
- Give opinions
- Use accurate spelling and pronunciation
- Listen to short texts on familiar topics and respond appropriately
- Transcribe some familiar words and short sentences that they hear
- Take part in conversations, using familiar language
- Speak coherently, with understandable pronunciation
- Read and show comprehension of short texts on familiar topics, understanding the purpose, important ideas and some details
- Provide a reasonable English translation of short, suitable material
- Read literary texts in the language [such as stories, songs, poems and letters], to stimulate ideas, and expand understanding of the language and culture
- Write short texts using some range of grammar and vocabulary
- Translate short written text with some accuracy into the foreign language.
Working at the expected standard
- Identify and use tenses or other structures which convey the present, past, and future
- Use and manipulate a variety of key grammatical structures and patterns
- Develop and use a wide-ranging and deepening vocabulary
- Give and justify opinions
- Use accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation
- Listen to a variety of forms of spoken language to obtain information and respond appropriately
- Transcribe words and short sentences that they hear
- Initiate and develop conversations, using mostly familiar language
- Speak coherently and confidently, with reasonably accurate pronunciation and intonation
- Read and show comprehension of texts from a range of different sources, understanding the purpose, important ideas and details
- Provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material
- Read literary texts in the language [such as stories, songs, poems and letters], to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and expand understanding of the language and culture
- Write texts using a range of grammar and vocabulary
- Write creatively to express their own ideas and opinions
- translate short written text accurately into the foreign language.
Working at greater depth
- Identify and use the present, past, and future tenses of a wide variety of verbs,
- Take part in discussion about wider issues
- Develop and use a wide-ranging and deepening vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate needs and interests
- Initiate and develop conversations, coping with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses, making use of important social conventions such as formal modes of address
- Speak coherently and confidently, with highly accurate pronunciation and intonation
- Read and show comprehension of authentic target language materials from a range of different sources, understanding the purpose, important ideas and details
- Write prose using a wide range of grammar and vocabulary
- Translate longer written text accurately into the foreign language.
Year 8 Music
Working towards expected standard
- Analysis of the Musical Elements is thorough and accurate
- Musical Vocabulary used for effect and as a matter of course when listening to and discussing music.
- Thoughtful improvements suggested for other student’s analysis
- Increasingly advanced musical vocabulary attempted
- The purpose of a piece is clear from the student’s interpretation
- Ability to make consistent improvements to own work.
- Attempts to perform works which reflect varying purposes.
- Ability to perform as part of a group with awareness of how the parts fit together
- Ability to organise sounds into a unique work and comment on the intended effect
- Ability to represent sound with symbols and some knowledge of musical notation
- Thoughtful consideration of structure in all compositions
Working at the expected standard
- Analysis of the Musical Elements is insightful and convincing throughout
- Identify the different processes and contexts of different styles, genres and traditions
- Insightful and beneficial improvements suggested for other student’s analysis
- Increasingly advanced musical vocabulary used with effect
- Ability to discriminate between musical conventions in, and influences on, selected styles, genres and traditions
- Ability to make consistent improvements to own work
- Convincing performance of works which successfully reflect varying purposes
- Ability to make subtle adjustments to fit their own part to benefit the group’s performance
- Improvise and compose in different styles and genres and discuss the devices used to achieve the intended effect
- Make use of a variety of notation
- Effective use of structure in all compositions
- Successfully compose music for different occasions using appropriate musical devices
Working at greater depth
- Ability to evaluate, and make critical judgements about, the use of musical conventions and other characteristics
- Ability to evaluate how different contexts are reflected in their own and others’ work
- Ability to discriminate between the characteristics and expressive potential of selected musical resources, styles, genres and traditions
- Ability to discriminate and comment on how and why changes occur within selected traditions.
- Ability to make significant contributions to the ensemble
- Perform extended compositions with a sense of direction and shape
- Express own ideas and feelings in a developing personal style
- Give convincing performances and demonstrate empathy with other performers
- Ability to improvise and compose extended compositions with a sense of direction and shape
- Both follow and challenge conventions in compositions.
- Produce compositions that demonstrate a coherent development of musical ideas
- Compose with a degree of individuality
Year 8 PE
Working towards expected standard
- Performance of Skills: Performs some or most of the fundamental skills with some control
- Knowledge of Health Related Fitness: Has a satisfactory understanding of most fitness components and their importance and relevance in several sporting situations. Can give a simple explanation of how to test some of these fitness components and can conduct the tests with support. Has an understanding of the importance of warming up prior to physical activity
- Decision making: Can sometimes make accurate and correct decisions in closed skill and practice situations although others make the majority of decisions for them
- Coaching: Can comment on their own/ others performance ‘good’ or ‘bad’, identifying basic strengths and areas for improvement
- Character & Attitude: Is reasonably positive showing some determination. Can be trusted to work sensibly follows rules and expectations
- Leadership: Is able to take responsibility for tasks such as scoring or officiating with some confidence which often requires support from others
Working at the expected standard
- Performance of skills: Performs most skills to a satisfactory or in many cases a good standard with a consistent level of performance.
- Knowledge of Health Related Fitness: Has a good understanding of most fitness components and their importance in a wide variety of sporting situations. Can confidently explain of how to test most of these fitness components and can conduct the tests with minimal support. Can explain most of the benefits of warming up prior to physical activity.
- Decision making: Makes the correct decisions most of the time in competitive situations leading to success in a performance.
- Coaching: Can identify strength and weaknesses in performance and offer suggestions for improvement
- Character & Attitude: Is positive when working a showing a determined approach to succeed. Can be trusted to work to the best of their ability most of the time in all activities
- Leadership: Is able to take responsibility for basic tasks such as scoring or officiating with confidence. Can lead a small group activity with minimal support
Working at greater depth
- Knowledge of Health Related Fitness: Has a very good understanding of all fitness components and their importance and relevance in a wide variety of sporting situations, with a thorough explanation. Can explain of how to test all of these fitness components and can conduct the test without supervision. Can fully explain the benefits of warming up and cooling down
- Decision making: Always makes the correct decisions in challenging competitive situations leading to successful performance outcomes
- Coaching: Can analyse a performance identifying strength and weaknesses and offer suggestions for improvement and progression
- Character & Attitude: Is always extremely positive when working with a significant drive and determination to succeed. Can always be trusted to work to the best of their ability in all activities
- Leadership: Can lead a small group of pupils (eg. a warm up) with confidence and can confidently adopt a role as an official making good decisions mist of the time