Messages to Year 11
It’s an unusual time and in light of the nationwide closures we felt, as a school community, it was important to send a message to our Year 11 pupils as they leave school for what may be the last time. To this end, we asked our staff and teachers of year 11 to send their messages of well-wishes. Though their time with us may have been cut short, they have still made a big impact on their teachers and staff. Now is the time to recognise that.
Goodbye and Good luck to all year 11’s unfortunately its a few months earlier than expected but don’t be dishearten all your hard work will pay off. You are an exceptional group of young people and are all about to enter the big wide world of more studying and working, whether that is with us in sixth form, college or apprenticeships I know you will all succeed. Take advantage of every opportunity you get and give it your all. Live life with no regrets and go have the best experiences. The world is your oyster! Hope you all look back at school life and have fond memories of being at Southmoor and especially in Triton house ( the best house). Goodbye and Good luck, all the best for the future, update me on your next steps (Guess who has to give references for you lot) 🙂 Aspire: Achieve: Enjoy!
Miss Morrison
I joined Southmoor academy when you guys had just started year 8. You all gave me the most wonderful welcome and were so grateful to have a Science teacher. Seeing you all grow from children into young adults has been an absolute pleasure and I cannot wait to hear about the milestones that your future will hold. You all have the ability to do anything if you put your mind to it! 11A5 .... ‘Believe you can and you’re half way there’
Miss Wilson
To My Year 11 Photography group: It has been a good 3 years of hard work and commitment. Your ideas and ability to communicate these through your practical outcomes have matured significantly and I was really proud of what you achieved in our lessons. You have developed many skills and have produced some outstanding and interesting photography that you should be proud of. It's been a pleasure and I will miss you all. Year 11 Art pupils: I have encountered many of you over the past 5 years, some more than others. I particularly want to mention the artist's that I have worked with who I officially have not taught, but have worked with regularly in the department. You have also been a pleasure to work with and have produced some outstanding work. Finally, The form class that I had for one year when you were in year 10. That was a blast and I really enjoyed meeting and working with so many unfamiliar faces that year. You were a great form class with many of you who I still speak to regularly. Thank you for making that year a good one.
Mr. Milne
Year 11, I just wanted to start by saying how immensely proud of you all I am. You were amongst my first classes when I started at Southmoor five years ago and it has been an absolute joy seeing you all grow into wonderful young people who deserve so much in life. I know the hand you’ve been dealt is extremely unfair and you all deserve so much better. At times, you have made me so frustrate3 (“Here, Miss, who kills Macbeth again?!” - said by a y11 pupil THIS YEAR!), you have me me howl with laughter (11A1 when you were my class last year and used to wind me up continually, I guess I’ll never know who was changing the number blocks on my calendar...) - but most of all you have made me so proud. Be kind to yourselves, be kind to each other and above all, be happy. Thank you, year 11. I wish you every success in life.
Miss Wilkinson
Year 11, you were in year 8 when I joined the school. I have very fond memories of you and will always treasure these. I hope each and every one of you goes on to achieve your dreams whatever that may be. Times may be tough at the minute and I imagine some of you are feeling very uncertain about the future but hold your head up high and carry on because you are a Southmoor student and Southmoor students go on to achieve great things. All the best for the future, Miss Hamilton
Miss Hamilton
I have taught you all since my first day at Southmoor when you were in year 9 and we almost made it to the end. These weeks have felt somewhat like the Wall Street Crash but unlike Hoover we won’t just bury our heads in the sand, we will get through it. It’s been a pleasure watching you all grow up and I don’t need exam results to tell me that you are the best gcse group I’ve ever taught in any school I’ve worked in. Double lessons (especially p6 and 7) haven’t been the easiest but being with you lot made it as easy as it could be! Yes there’s been times I could have throttled some of you, (remember that cover lesson in Mr Ireland’s room when I wasn’t in on that Wednesday afternoon in year 10!) but some of you are some of the most remarkable pupils I’ve ever met. Some of your work has been the best I’ve ever read but everyone has shown great dedication and hard work and resilience. I will miss you all but know some of you will be back at A level and I can’t wait to see you when I return next year. By the way please don’t forget about William Rufus (for obvious reasons), the fact I’ve drilled 1066 facts about Hastings in your head and the 9 million individuals for health, at least we will all be experts when Coronavirus is added to the health spec in 2030 🙂 take care and keep being amazing. Love Miss Stonehouse
Miss Stonehouse
Look forward to your future and work hard to make it happen! Good luck to each and every one of you.
Mrs Snaith
If there is one thing this year group has taught me it is that I need to invest in a good pair of flat shoes! Don't think I have ever ran around so much: getting people in lessons, drying tears and sometimes escorting certain individuals to Mrs Harris! BUT I wouldn't change it for the world!! You have been a truly memorable year 11 who have approached everything with resilience and enthusiasm and I really hope you all follow your dreams and have lots of success! To all my teaching groups: watching you all grow and mature has been magical and I have relished teaching every single one of you! You have all worked so incredibly hard and no one can ever take that away from you! I believe in every single one of you and thank you for being some of the kindest, funniest and hardworking classes I have taught! Good luck...the world is your oyster! To my tutor group: Where do I start? When Mrs Harris asked Mr. T and I to be your form tutors I had no idea I would become mother to over 16 pupils! I also had no idea how fond I would grow of you all and can honestly say I am so proud to call you OURS. It hasn't always been easy: we've had crossed words, tears of happiness and sadness but we have had each other's backs all the way and I hope if you have all learnt one thing from your time at school it is to be kind! To be respectful, to be honest and always look out for those you love. Mr T and I will miss you all terribly but we wish you all the luck in the world. Follow your dreams my lovelies and never let anyone tell you that you can't do it! Good luck!
Miss Summerside
Nothing can take away the hard work and effort that you’ve all put into your education. Being your teacher was a pleasure, getting to know you was a privilege. Goodbye and good luck!
Mr Carney
Remember, not all stories end as you might expect them to. But it doesn't mean that the rest of book wasn't a damn good read. Be proud of all your efforts. It's been a pleasure to work with you. Mr. Anderson.
Mr Anderson
Je ne sais pas! Some of you (you know who you are) have done nothing but wind me up for two years solid! Most of you have worked really hard, particularly in the last few months- none of that was in vain! Thank you to those of you who turned up week in, week out to do extra revision and really tried to push yourselves- you have made me so proud and you should be really proud of yourselves. This situation does not define you and it does not limit your potential in the future. Good luck in whatever comes next, I know if you put your minds to it, you will achieve anything and everything you want to- never forget that! Try and keep up your French and I hope to see some of you back next year doing A level -by which time we'll look back on all of this and sum it up with a big 'quel dommage!' Miss Marshall <3
Miss Marshall
I would like to say best of luck to the Year 11 Health and Social Care class- you have been a delight to get to know and have kept me on my toes- thanks for all your hard work this year.
Miss Glasper
Goodbye and good luck to my first and favourite year 11 class! Well done for all your hard work and I'm so sorry that you don't get to reap the rewards from this. You have been such a fab class and I will genuinely miss teaching you. Have a nice few months playing badminton in your gardens, going to dance studios, not learning your speaking questions, and I'll see you at Millie's wedding in a few years. Oh and don't forget that you are... SELBSTBEWUSST! Auf Wiedersehen, Frau P.
Miss Palethorpe
Dearest Year 11, can I just say firstly, to my form class Phoenix I you have been great, and I will miss you all immensely. Any postcards from around the world that you have brought in will be remembered for ever! To my 11B4 and 11A2, again I will miss you all and I am so disappointed that you haven’t had the opportunity to sit your exams, as I know that even though exam season is a stressful time, you would’ve taken each day at a time and worked little trojans…many of you had made so much progress in your last mocks and I know this would have continued. I certainly hope that you all will travel and have lots adventures in your future lives. Remember, Sunderland is only a tiny portion of the world; make sure you get out there and put yourselves on the map. What a bizarre, but what a historical end to your schooling; these circumstances will most certainly be one of those things that will last forever in our memories and unite us. All those pupils who have said, “What do I need to learn science for?” well this is why! Biology Topic 3, Infection and Response, communicable diseases has all of the answers. Fortunately, science will help us combat this nasty little pathogen and no doubt many more to come.
Miss Maddison
To 11B5 science - you are all amazing, to the rappers you will make it, to the dancers and the singers keep creating, to the quiet ones who work so hard keep doing that until you reach your goals. I am so proud of all of you, truly the best y11 class I have had, thank you for making my job so easy and good luck for the future.
Miss Knight
Y11 Photography Firstly, I would like to thank you all for being a fantastic group of pupils. It has been my pleasure to get to know you over the academic year and teach you Photography. Each one of you have great understanding of the subject and you should be proud of yourself for producing such incredibly creative ideas and outcomes – a massive well done! Secondly, I myself feel proud of what you have accomplished since September. Year 11 can be a hard year and I have always seen you come into class with focus, smiles and resilience. It is a shame we have parted on unfamiliar times, however, I hope to see you in the near future when you are all high flying in your dream careers. I wish you well for your next chapter in life and remember… put down those square devices we call phones once in a while and pick up a camera! Y11 Graphic Communication I would like to thank you for all your hard work over this academic year in Graphics. I know you have had a number of teachers from the start of year 9 but you have shown great resilience to change – well done! I am proud of what you have accomplished in year 11 and you should be proud of this too. I have seen some great ideas and final outcomes and a lot of you have really understood what it takes to be a successful Graphic Designer. Good luck for the future and your next steps after school and always remember how to communicate through design! Best, Mr. Hartmann.
Mr Hartmann
Year 11A1, 11B1- You have all worked hard in your recent mock exams and should be very proud of what you have achieved. Good luck for the future. I hope to see many of you in 6th form next year.
Miss Collins
To all of the Y11 Historians - well done on completing your GCSE course. Although it hasn't ended in the most conventional way it doesn't detract the fact that you have worked extremely hard and have become mature young adults that will be well prepared for the next stage in your education. To my own class - I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you over the past 3 years and have seen many of you flourish to become lovely young adults. The life skills you have picked up is worth much more than a piece of paper with numbers on. I look forward to welcoming many of your back in the next academic year and wish you a happy and safe few months. Be good!
Mr Ireland
It has been a real pleasure to work with you over the last 4 years either teaching many of you or organising and delivering careers activities and events to make sure you are all on the best pathway for your future. It has been great to see you grow as individuals and I am sure you will all go on to be very successful in the future.
Mr Wareham
To Triton J - I wish you all the best for your future! You've been a lovely form group even with all the watch pointing and head shaking you gave me every morning when clearly I wasn't late! I won't miss playing hide and seek though with certain individuals! I'll miss you all! Good luck in where your future takes you. To 11B3 English - It has been a long journey from September to now but you have been a fantastic class to teach. Never again will you cross the 'quotation station' of my door! I know that secretly you will miss it... I hope you leave with happy memories of our lessons together. We have certainly had some interesting one liners over the year! Good luck! You all deserve it. To 11A4 English - I've taught some of you for a long time now and have enjoyed seeing how much you have matured and grown. For some of you it has just been this year but you have been a lovely class to teach. I bet you are glad to see the back of SQID! I wish you all good luck for your future! You deserve it!
Miss Dunn
To 11B1 Maths, no doubt the best maths class in Southmoor this year, though I may be biased. Some of you were in one of the very first classes I taught when I first started at Southmoor as a newly qualified teacher. The majority of you I have taught for three of the last four years. Yes, your chance to shine in your summer exams has been taken away from you, but it is important to remember not to be defined by your grades. The skills you have learned – problem solving, logical thinking and reasoning – are far more important than the number on a piece of paper you would have got in the summer. These are life skills. I am sure many of you will still be here next year attending the sixth form, and hopefully many of you choose to do maths or core maths, which I will (hopefully) be teaching. Feel free to drop in at any time. Regardless of where you are going or what you are doing, it has been a pleasure and privilege to teach each and every one of you and I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavours.
Mr Acton
11A4 and 11B4, what can I say! Its been an experience and a half! I am so proud of each and everyone of you. This year group will most definitely be my most memorable. From the arguments and tantrums at the beginning of the year, to the motivation and determination to do well; you have all been amazing. Yes, also the ones that I will not name (I think you all know who they are!!). I believed in everyone of you and you all began to believe in yourself. It is so sad that our journey has been cut short but continue to believe in yourselves as every singe one of you is truly amazing! Good luck and take care,
Miss Duffy
Such a strange way to say farewell to you all so let's look at the will forever be part of a unique group across the world, think of the stories you can tell your grandchildren! The skills and qualities that you have built up over your time in Southmoor don't leave you now just because you've been told to "social distance", in fact it's those qualities that will see you through and onto the next step. Think of how good your school reunion's will be in the future. Best wishes and good luck. You're the class of 2020, the one's who survived the Corona virus. I think that's pretty cool!
Miss Murley
Well done to each and every one of you for such fantastic efforts throughout your time here at Southmooor Academy. It has been an absolute pleasure sharing this journey with you, and I wish you all the best for the journey to come. Miss Booth.
Miss Booth
To all the gorgeous year 11 pupils whom I have had the pleasure of supporting over the past five years. Your hard work has not been in vain! I am sure that you will all come through this. Life will return to normal eventually! It is sad that we don’t get to say ‘good bye ‘ properly but I am thinking of you. Thank you for all the times you made me laugh and for all those special chats; it has been a genuine pleasure getting to know you. My thoughts are with you all and I hope that you and your friends and family keep safe and well. With love and best wishes, Mrs ‘G’ xxxxxxxx
Miss Galloway
Hi Year 11s! Best of luck for next year! It has been a great two years teaching you (even the boys ha! ha!) You have all worked so hard this year and I am immensely proud of you! Hope you remember all of the key poetry quotations for life and all the little drawings we did to remember them. The house, the hand, the gingerbread man and Tonga! Good luck for September 2020 and beyond. To 11 B: Good luck you lot! It has been a great pleasure to teach you, even if it was only since September! You have really worked hard and deserve the best for your future. Thanks to the pupils who drew the brilliant pictures for my display walls and I hope you will never forget my ‘dashed the baby’ hanging from the wall! Honestly, though, good luck for September 2020!
Miss Armstrong
Wishing you all the very best in these uncertain times. Always try to reach your full potential and use your talents to achieve your dreams – we are always here to help. Stay safe!’
Mrs McCourt
Over the course of the last year you have worked extremely hard and I want to wish you every success for the future. You have all been a pleasure to work with and I will honestly miss you all. It’s been amazing to watch you all grow and develop into the wonderful people you now are. Take care and good luck with your future. Mr Summers
Mr Summers
To my year 11 geography class. I started Southmoor as a new teacher this year and you have honestly made my experience to date an unforgettable one. I feel very lucky to have had a class of amazing individuals with such an infectious bunch of personalities. The effort and work you have put in, and the progress you have made this year has made me immensely proud. Though your time has been cut short, I know that each of you will go on to achieve many great things in your lives and you will leave this school and take your next steps with immeasurable skills and qualities which extend far beyond just an exam grade. Good luck for the future!
Miss McFaul
Hi everyone!Well it’s not exactly the way we thought it would be over, but I suppose that’s sometimes what life throws at you!You lot have been amazing. Talented, hardworking, determined and resilient.Over the next few weeks and months as the dust settles and you begin to take the next steps of your journey through life, stay fit, healthy and active!I hope you find joy and success in whatever you chose to do!Remember, hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard!All the best, and good luck!Mr Parker
Pegasus J: I know this isn’t how you all expected to end Year 11 but you should be proud of the achievements and the progress you have made. Best of luck in all your future endeavours, you have been a wonderful form class. I’m sure I’ll see many of you in the 6th form next year. 11A1 Separates: It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you this year and for many of you the last two years. You have all become outstanding Chemists, Physicists and Biologists. I have no doubts at all to say you would have gone into the summer exams and performed superbly. I know this is not the way you would have all liked to end your year 11 studies but you all should be immensely proud of the progress and achievements you have made. Your work ethic has been second to none and you will still reap all the rewards in the end. Keep yourself motivated and best of luck in any future plans. I look forward to seeing many of you in the 6th form next year, hopefully studying Chemistry because ‘yes you can do it!Mr Middleton
It has been a pleasure to get to know you over the past five years and watch you grow into mature young adults. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose to do, and I look forward to seeing many of you in the Sixth Form. Remember, only you can decide what your future will be; seize the opportunities that come your way and make the most of it.Miss Mather
Best wishes to all y11 pupils. Keep working hard with your Maths and you will have success in life.To my 11B3, it has been a pleasure working with you all and watching you improve over the last two years. You have all been fantastic and you will be missed.To my 11A1 it's been a pleasure teaching since January and the interesting characters in the class. You have made so much progress in such a short period of time.Good luck for the futureMr Temple
It has been my pleasure to have had the opportunity to work with many of you. Together we have overcome many twists and turns on the pathway to success. Carry on and follow your dreams, success is there waiting for you. Good luck for the future!Miss Callaghan
To my Year 11 Geography class, it has been an absolute pleasure to teach and to get to know every single one of you! You will always be so much more than your grades would ever show. For my first Year 11 class you will forever hold a special place in my heart. I hope you all follow your dreams and I hope to see you back at Southmoor. Good luck for the future!Miss Gordon
Wishing my 11A4 class a fantastic immune future ahead. Who new in 2020 after battling for you to understand the importance of Science, that it would cause such an ending to your GCSE's. Be like this pathogen and be resilient, never settle for second best and strive to achieve the goals and dreams you have set yourself. I'm disappointed that although you won't have the stress of the exams, you won't also be able to show off the hardworking and effort put in over the last year. Good luck for the future!Miss Swinbank
11B2 maths not even a full year of teaching you but you have it has been fun! I had just trained you all to hand your homework in on time!! Best of luck for the future. 11A3 It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you and watch you grow into young, mature adults. I could not of asked for anything more from you. You all have worked your hardest and deserve the highest grade. Good luck for the future, I am sure all you will go on to do amazing things. Take care, stay safe and look after each other Good luck for the future!Miss Patrick
To all the year 11 Art students, it’s been a pleasure to get to know you all and I wish you all the very best for the future. I am so proud of the hard work and commitment you’ve shown and I will miss you all so much. Your work will be going on my classroom walls to remind me of you and to show our younger students what talented people you are. Good luck for the future!Miss Nicholson
It has been my pleasure to have had the opportunity to work with many of you. Together we have overcome many twists and turns on the pathway to success. Carry on and follow your dreams, success is there waiting for you. Good luck for the future!Miss Callaghan
WOW what a way to finish. I feel that I’m not ready for many of you to leave but this is the way it is. I sincerely wish the very best to you all especially my lovely Pegasus lot whom I have learned to love over the past five years. Time flies when you’re having fun and for most, your time in Southmoor has flown by. Before you know it you’ll be 40 with kids wondering where all the time in-between has gone. You may look at your children’s History work and read about what a momentous period this is in our lives. Anyway don’t waste it, live life to the full and do everything you have ever dreamed of. Grab every opportunity with both hands and never be too ambitious. But! Remember never let your family and friends down and lastly KEEP SMILING it’s infectious. 🙂 Good luck for the future!Mr Carter
An emotional goodbye to all you lovely young talented people. Thank you for the tears the tantrums but most of all the laughter. You are amazing. BSU will be a much duller place without you.Lots of LoveMis Ferguson
Griffin J: Last September, when I first saw the list of pupils of my new form group, I immediately thought I definitely had the best group. You have not let me down! You have all been so pleasant, polite, respectful and, at times, very funny – all qualities that will serve you well in the future. I know you’re entering uncertain, and unprecedented, times, but I know you all have the moral strength and resilience to succeed. I know I will see many of you around the school in Sixth Form, but wish every one you success in all your future endeavours. My English classes: My message for your Year Book was going to be “Don’t be stingy with the examiner!” – No surprise there as you were probably sick of hearing me say it. However, the sentiment can carry you through life. I am certain that if you display the same qualities in life as you did in my lessons you will succeed in whatever you put your mind to. I know I’ve nagged and cajoled, but honestly, it has been an absolute pleasure teaching you this year (some of you for the last three years)! I am genuinely gutted that you have not had the opportunity to prove what you’re capable of, but we all know you would have been a roaring success. Remember this year is not the end, it’s the beginning! Good luck and keep in touch!Miss Foster
To all my amazing y11 scientists, you have all worked so incredibly hard and if I was any more proud of you I think I'd burst! You are all absolute superstars, and I couldn't have asked for a better bunch for my first group of year 11's. I wish you were still my class for that little while longer but I suppose you wonderful people have to go out into the big wide world now! Good luck for whatever you decide to do next, I know you will all go on to be amazing no matter what. Thank you for a fantastic year.Miss Bainbridge