0191 594 9991

The 6-week plans you will find below are intended to guide Year 10 students with their study over the coming weeks. Please click the boxes to find the plans for each of your relevant subjects.

  • Art, Graphic Communications & Photography Curriculum Plan

    Please find your relevant plan by looking for the teacher of your subject. It is important you follow the plan of only the teachers who you have for your subjects.

    Year 10: GCSE Photography (Teacher: Mr. C. Milne)

    GCSE Photography

    Mr Milne

    Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

    Week 1


    Theme: ISOLATION

    • Research and collect images that link to this theme.

    • Find images / work that you like and perhaps gives you some inspiration.

    • Save these images in a document (p.point /word)

    • Use uploaded resources to help you

    • Research: isolation photographers on the internet, check out images


    Theme: ISOLATION

    Continue: Investigate the theme ISOLATION

    • ANNOTATION: start to make comments about the work that you have saved in your own presentation.

    • Research and collect images that link to this theme.

    • Save these images in a document (p.point / word)

    • Use uploaded resources to help you

    • Research: isolation photographers on the internet, check out images


    Theme: ISOLATION

    • Continue and finalise this part of the project: Investigate the theme ISOLATION

    • ANNOTATION: start to make comments about the work that you have saved.

    • Research and collect images that link to this theme.

    • Save these images in a document (p.point / word)

    • Use uploaded resources to help you

    Week 2

    Theme: ISOLATION

    • Complete the Specific annotation exercise worksheet on an ISOLATION piece of work.

    • Use the support Booklet (Content-Form-Process-Mood)

    Theme: ISOLATION

    • Own idea development:

    • Detailed Mind-mapping.

    • Going back to collect relevant images that may support own ideas.

    • Sketch out a photoshoot plan for 2 of your ideas that you have come up with.


    Theme: ISOLATION

    • Finalise written ideas: Mind mapssketches for photoshoots.

    • Finalise annotation for all work so far. Any additions that need to be made?

    • Have you developed any potential new ideas as you have worked through this so far?

    Week 3

    Theme: ISOLATION

    Practical Responses: 2 lessons to respond to your ideas through Photographing. (keep all photoshoots)

    Photoshoot 1

    Theme: ISOLATION

    Practical Responses: 2 lessons to respond to your ideas through Photographing. (keep all photoshoots)

    Photoshoot 2

    Theme: ISOLATION

    Reviewing Photoshoots:

    Annotating photoshoot. Selecting images that you like as a good response to your ideas. Editing images if possible or needed?

    Considering next Photoshoot response- next week.

    Week 4

    Theme: ISOLATION

    Practical Responses: 3 lessons to respond to your ideas through Photographing. (keep all photoshoots)

    Photoshoot 3

    Theme: ISOLATION

    Practical Responses: 3 lessons to respond to your ideas through Photographing. (keep all photoshoots)

    Photoshoot 4

    Theme: ISOLATION

    Reviewing Photoshoot:

    Annotating photoshoot. Selecting images that you like as a good response to your ideas. Editing images if possible or needed?

    Considering any potential new ideas that need photographing next week.

    Week 5 Theme: ISOLATION

    What do you need to do next at this stage? 3 lessons. This is where you need to spend time putting all your work so far together in your presentation.

    • Sort out and make sense of what you have photographed so far.

    • Annotate and explain your final photographs.

    • Possible new Photoshoot if your ideas have developed or you have a new approach to this work.

    Theme: ISOLATION

    This is where you need to spend time putting all your work so far together in your presentation.

    • Sort out and make sense of what you have photographed so far.

    • Annotate and explain your final photographs.

    • Possible new Photoshoot if your ideas have developed or you have a new approach to this work.

    Theme: ISOLATION

    This is where you need to spend time putting all your work so far together in your presentation.

    • Sort out and make sense of what you have photographed so far.

    • Annotate and explain your final


    • Possible new Photoshoot if your ideas have developed or you have a new approach to this work.

    Week 6 Theme: ISOLATION

    • Select 2 of your own final photographs or finished sets of work (if you have included a few photographs as one outcome).

    • Compare your own work to 2 examples of the work you have looked at as inspiration.

    You will need to look back to the start of the project for this.

    Theme: ISOLATION

    Go back through the whole project. Which aspects do you need to finalise?

    Look at the following:

    • Annotations.

    • Photoshoots.

    • Layout, organisation and presentation


    Theme: ISOLATION

    Finalise Project.

    • Annotations.

    • Photoshoots.

    • Layout, organisation and presentation of your work.

    List of Websites: Support for ISOLATION research / Ideas





    Year 10: GCSE Photography (Teacher: Mrs. Ratcliff)

    GCSE Photography Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

    Week 1

    Theme: ISOLATION

    (looking at how the world is changing in this current time)

    Introduction to the topic via Powerpoint.

    To be created via Google slides/Teams.

    Theme: ISOLATION

    (looking at how the world is changing in this current time)

    Creation of a mind map followed by a video uplink from Mrs Ratcliff discussing options/google classroom lesson

    Theme: ISOLATION

    (looking at how the world is changing in this current time)

    Creation of mindmap and mood board ideas linking to their initial thoughts.

    Week 2

    Start research into the three artists required.

    Virtual Classroom discussion on what artists are good to look at.

    Create page for one artist, looking at their work, analyse and start to take own images that respond to that artist.

    Continue taking own images and create a contact sheet via photoshop (free as long as the school have it). Begin final response to that artist.

    Week 3

    Finish response and editing. Start to write evaluation. (Mrs Ratcliff will be logging in to give feedback and assessment)

    Read feedback and improve and meet requirements. Write evaluation of your piece.

    Create page for second artist, looking at their work, analyse and start to take own images that respond to that artist.

    Week 4

    Continue taking own images and create a contact sheet via photoshop (free as long as the school have it). Begin final response to that artist.

    Finish response and editing. Start to write evaluation. (Mrs

    Ratcliff will be logging in to give feedback and assessment)

    Read feedback and improve and meet requirements. Write evaluation of your piece.

    Week 5

    Create page for third artist, looking at their work, analyse and start to take own images that respond to that artist.

    Continue taking own images and create a contact sheet via photoshop (free as long as the school have it). Begin final response to that artist.

    Finish response and editing. Start to write evaluation. (Mrs Ratcliff will be logging in to give feedback and assessment)

    Week 6

    Read feedback and improve and meet requirements. Write evaluation of your piece.

    Using the images you have, create one final piece and edit it with your own ideas.

    Finish final idea and present it. (mrs Ratcliff to assess, give feedback and final grade)

    Year 10: GCSE Fine Art (Teacher: Mrs. Ratcliff)

    GCSE Fine Art Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

    Week 1

     Theme: Life and Death

    Introduction to the topic via Powerpoint. To be created within their Art books and images of pages uploaded.

    Theme: Life and Death

    Creation of a mind map followed by a video uplink from Mrs Ratcliff discussing options/google classroom lesson

    Theme: Life and Death

    Creation of mindmap and mood board ideas linking to their initial thoughts.


    Week 2

    Start research into the three artists required. Virtual Classroom discussion on what artists are good to look at.

    Create page for one artist, looking at their work, analyse and start to respond to that artist.

    Begin final response to that artist in the same medium they use.

    Week 3

    Continue with response (Mrs Ratcliff will be logging in to give feedback and assessment)


    Read feedback and improve and meet requirements.

    Finish response and write evaluation. (Mrs Ratcliff will mark and assess progress so far)

    Week 4

    Create page for second artist, looking at their work, analyse and start to respond to that artist.

    Begin final response to that artist in the same medium they use.

    Continue with response (Mrs Ratcliff will be logging in to give feedback and assessment)

    Week 5

    Read feedback and improve and meet requirements.

    Finish response and write evaluation. (Mrs Ratcliff will mark and assess progress so far)

    Start own final response to life and death using medium of your choice. (Mrs Ratcliff to host virtual lesson to discuss)

    Week 6

    Continue with final piece and upload progress.

    Continue with final piece and upload progress.

    Finish final idea and present it. (mrs Ratcliff to assess, give feedback and final grade)

    Year 10: GCSE Fine Art (Teacher: Mrs. Nicholson)

    GCSE Fine Art Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

    Week 1

    Introduction to the artist Sarah Graham.

    Video link will be on SMHW to documentary. Make notes about interesting facts about the artist.

    First drawing response, drawing a singular sweet/chocolate. Use the PowerPoint uploaded on SMHW to select one of the photographs you would like to work from. Use pencil or paint.

    First drawing response, drawing a singular sweet/ chocolate. Use the PowerPoint uploaded on SMHW to select one of the photographs you would like to work from. Use pencil or paint.

    Week 2

    Looking at lettering on packaging. Access the PowerPoint on SMHW and complete the three tasks on how to copy lettering styles accurately.

    Looking at lettering on packaging. Access the PowerPoint on SMHW and complete the three tasks on how to copy lettering styles accurately.

    Looking at lettering on packaging. Access the PowerPoint on SMHW and complete the three tasks on how to copy lettering styles accurately.

    Week 3

    Responding to the artist. Create your own drawing based on a Sarah Graham piece (close up). Images will be provided on SMHW.

    Responding to the artist. Create your own drawing based on a Sarah Graham piece (close up). Images will be provided on SMHW.

    Responding to the artist. Create your own drawing based on a Sarah Graham piece (close up). Images will be provided on SMHW.

    Week 4

    Drawing chocolate bar/ sweet packaging, longer drawing task. Use the images on the Powerpoint on SMHW or your own photo to produce a realistic drawing.

    Drawing chocolate bar/ sweet packaging, longer drawing task. Use the images on the Powerpoint on SMHW or your own photo to produce a realistic drawing.

    Drawing chocolate bar/ sweet packaging, longer drawing task. Use the images on the Powerpoint on SMHW or your own photo to produce a realistic drawing.

    Week 5

    Wider artist’s research, research an artist who also links to the candy theme. A list will be provided on SMHW.

    Wider artist’s research, research an artist who also links to the candy theme. A list will be provided on SMHW. Wider artist’s research, research an artist who also links to the candy theme. A list will be provided on SMHW.
    Week 6

    Use this week as an extension to complete any tasks you feel you needed more time for. Fun holiday task- Planning layout for future sketchbook pages. Start to collect sweet wrappers, foil wrapping, chocolate bar wrappers etc, with a view to enhancing future sketchbook pages on this theme.

    Use this week as an extension to complete any tasks you feel you needed more time for. Fun holiday task- Planning layout for future sketchbook pages. Start to collect sweet wrappers, foil wrapping, chocolate bar wrappers etc, with a view to enhancing future sketchbook pages on this theme. Use this week as an extension to complete any tasks you feel you needed more time for. Fun holiday task- Planning layout for future sketchbook pages. Start to collect sweet wrappers, foil wrapping, chocolate bar wrappers etc, with a view to enhancing future sketchbook pages on this theme.

    Year 10: GCSE Graphic Communications (Teacher: Mrs. Ratcliff)

    GCSE Graphic Communications Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

    Week 1

    Theme: Rebrand the Stay Alert strategy.

    Introduction to the topic via Powerpoint. To be created on Google Slides/PowerPoint.

    Theme: Rebrand the Stay Alert strategy.

    Creation of a mind map followed by a video uplink from Mrs Ratcliff discussing options/google classroom lesson.

    Theme: Rebrand the Stay Alert strategy.

    Creation of mindmap and mood board ideas linking to their initial thoughts.

    Week 2

    Start research into the three artists required.

    Virtual Classroom discussion on what artists are good to look at.

    Create page for one artist, looking at their work, analyse and start to respond to that artist.

    Begin final response to that artist in the same medium they use.

    Week 3

    Continue with response (Mrs Ratcliff will be logging in to give feedback and assessment)

    Read feedback and improve and meet requirements.

    Finish response and write evaluation. (Mrs Ratcliff will mark and assess progress so far)

    Week 4

    Create page for second artist, looking at their work, analyse and start to respond to that artist.

    Begin final response to that artist in the same medium they use.

    Continue with response (Mrs Ratcliff will be logging in to give feedback and assessment)

    Week 5

    Read feedback and improve and meet requirements.

    Finish response and write evaluation. (Mrs Ratcliff will mark and assess progress so far)

    Start own final response to rebranding the governments message using medium of your choice. (Mrs Ratcliff to host virtual lesson to discuss)

    Week 6

    Continue with final piece and upload progress.

    Continue with final piece and upload progress.

    Finish final idea and present it. (mrs Ratcliff to assess, give feedback and final grade)

    You can download the above tables by clicking here.

  • Business, ICT & Computer Science Curriculum Plan

    Year 10 Computer Science

    Computer Science Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Create a program in Python for an RPG game using your flowchart and pseudocode you completed before half term to guide you.


    – 2.1 Workbook (recap slides 19-20)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Modify algorithm from last lesson to correct an issue with player 2 winning more battles than player 1.

    – The algorithm on slide 22 does not run as expected in two ways. Identify and correct the errors in the pseudocode.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slides 21-22)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Create a “dungeon master” toolkit program which includes a range of caverns and keeps track of elements such as the ‘health’ and ‘capabilities’ of a player  This is an open-ended task meaning as much detail can be added as you wish!


    – 2.1 Workbook (slide 22)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)


    Week 2 Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Continue with “dungeon master” toolkit program from last lesson.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slide 22)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)


    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Continue with “dungeon master” toolkit program from last lesson.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slide 22)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Test “dungeon master” toolkit program from previous lessons. Ask someone else to test it too! Get their feedback – what worked/did not work?


    – 2.1 Workbook (slide 22)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)

    Week 3 Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Create a flowchart for an RPG game using an algorithm provided (slide 23).

    – Create the pseudocode for an RPG game using an algorithm provided (slide 24).


    – 2.1 Workbook

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Create a program in Python for an RPG game using your flowchart and pseudocode you completed before half term to guide you (slide 24).


    – 2.1 Workbook (recap slides 19-20)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Continue to create a program in Python for an RPG game using your flowchart and pseudocode you completed before half term to guide you (slide 24).


    – 2.1 Workbook (recap slides 19-20)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 How to produce algorithms…)

    Week 4 Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Write the pseudocode required to find a ‘Geography’ book using a linear search.

    – Create a program to test the linear search pseudocode.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slide 9)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 Linear search)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Create a program to output the latitude and longitude of European capital cities using a linear search.

    – Add validation and allow the user to add and remove cities.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slide 9)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 Linear search)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Write the pseudocode required to find a ‘Geography’ book using a binary search.

    – Create the program to test the binary search pseudocode.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slides 10 – 11)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 Binary search)

    Week 5 Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Demonstrate the sequence of steps of a bubble sort algorithm using provided data.

    – Write a program to perform a bubble sort.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slide 12)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 Bubble sort)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Demonstrate the sequence of steps of a merge sort algorithm using provided data.

    – Write a program to perform a merge sort.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slides 13-14)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 Merge sort)

    Using 2.1 Workbook:

    – Demonstrate the sequence of steps of a insertion sort algorithm using provided data.

    – Write a program to perform an insertion sort.


    – 2.1 Workbook (slide 15)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.1 Insertion sort)

    Week 6 Using 2.2 Workbook:

    – Write programs using basic string manipulation and file handling operations (reading/writing to a text file).


    – 2.2 Workbook (slides 5-7)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.2 The use of basic string manipulation

    2.2 The use of basic file handling operations)

    Using 2.2 Workbook:

    – Identify, explain and create functions and procedures.


    – 2.2 Workbook (slide 9)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.2 How to use sub programs)

    Using 2.2 Workbook:

    – Create a program to store and search for data using SQL lite.


    – 2.2 Workbook (slide 11)

    – GCSE OCR pseudocode guide

    – Craig n Dave videos (2.2 The use of records to store data

    2.2 The use of SQL to search for data)

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

    Year 10 Enterprise & Marketing

    Enterprise & Marketing Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 Watch the video about functional areas within a business.

    Identify the following within a small/medium sized organisation (poster OR spider diagram):

    • Job roles associated with the organisation (human resources)
    • The product/service the organisation sells and why it might appeal to the customers
    • How the business organises itself
    • The sources of finance that may have been used to start the business


    Video: (Functional areas)

    Watch the video and use the LO6 revision guide for R064 to describe and explain the main activities/ responsibilities of the HR function in an organisation (complete ‘Human Resources’ section on LO6 knowledge organiser).


    – LO6 Revision booklet

    – LO6 Knowledge organiser

    Video: (Human resource management)

    Watch the video and use the LO6 revision guide for R064 to describe and explain the main activities/ responsibilities of the Marketing function in an organisation (complete ‘Marketing’ section on LO6 knowledge organiser).

    Explain the marketing mix for the iPhone 11.


    – LO6 Revision booklet

    – LO6 Knowledge organiser

    Video: (Marketing mix)

    Week 2 Watch the video introducing the importance of planning and logistics.

    Explain the importance of production planning, stock control and logistics.

    Explain why quality control is an important aspect of operations.

    Use the LO6 revision guide for R064 to explain the Operations function in an organisation (complete ‘Operations’ section on LO6 knowledge organiser).


    – LO6 Revision booklet

    – LO6 Knowledge organiser

    Video: (Keeping the global supply chain moving)

    Introduction to the finance function using Southmoor Academy as a case study.

    • Identify the types of resources school must pay for day-to-day
    • Identify the groups of people in school who need to know the school finances
    • How might school record and monitor all financial transactions?

    Prepare a series of questions to ask a finance administrator at school to help you form a better understanding of the importance of the finance function.

    Use the LO6 revision guide for R064 to:

    – Describe and explain the main activities/ responsibilities of the Finance function in an organisation (complete ‘Finance’ section on LO6 knowledge organiser).

    – Explain the difference between function activities in a small start-up business and a large company.

    – Match tasks with the appropriate functional areas.


    – LO6 Revision booklet

    – LO6 Knowledge organiser

    Week 3 Complete ‘Functional areas assessment’. Complete ‘Multiple choice questions’

    Complete ‘LO6 exam questions’ and use mark scheme to assess yourself.

    Answer ‘LO1 – Time to revise’ questions (slides 2)
    Week 4 Answer ‘LO1 – Time to revise continued’ questions (slide 3) Answer ‘LO2 – Time to revise’ questions (slide 4) Answer ‘LO3 – Time to revise’ questions (slide 5)
    Week 5 Answer ‘LO4 – Time to revise’ questions (slide 6)



    Answer ‘LO5 – Time to revise’ questions (slides 7 -8)

    Answer ‘LO6 – Time to revise’ questions (slide 9)
    Week 6 Identify a wide range of successful brands.

    Explain the benefits to a business of using logo’s in different formats.


    Branding methods and techniques pt. 1.doc

    Analyse the advantages and disadvantages to a brand of having a strapline using examples from several different industries.

    Explain the use of celebrity endorsement and the associated problems for celebrities.


    Branding methods and techniques pt. 2.doc

    Describe the personalities of a wide range of different brands.

    Describe the target market of a wide range of different brands.


    Branding methods and techniques pt. 3.doc

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

  • English Curriculum Plan

    English Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
    Week 1 Task 1: Introduction to GCSE Spoken Language. Complete pre research activities about career choices. Task 2: How to research effectively. Read the information and underline key information about how to research career. Wellbeing Wednesday Task 3: Listen to the example presentations and pay attention to the language they use, varying vocabulary, pace and clarity. Task 4: Use the careers website links to research your career. Use the bullet points in the booklet to help you. Narrow down your research and pick what you will use.
    Week 2 Task 5: Complete the spoken language planning sheet. Task 6: Make resources you will need to give your presentation. Wellbeing Wednesday Task 7: Practice speech. Time yourself to make sure it is at least 5 minutes but no longer than 8. Practice speech and if possible, get somebody to ask you questions about what you have said.
    Week 3 Power and Conflict poetry ‘Ozymandias’. Listen to the audio on the PowerPoint and complete the linked activity.

    Annotate the poem in your booklet using the annotations on the presentation.

    Complete the questions and activities linked to ‘Ozymandias’. Wellbeing Wednesday Power and Conflict poetry ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’. Listen to the audio on the PowerPoint and complete the linked activity.

    Annotate the poem in your booklet using the annotations on the presentation.

    Complete the questions and activities linked to ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’.

    Move onto the next poem ‘Bayonet Charge’. Listen to the audio on the PowerPoint and complete the linked activity.

    Week 4 Complete the questions and activities linked to ‘Bayonet Charge’. Power and Conflict poetry ‘Poppies’. Listen to the audio on the PowerPoint and complete the linked activity.

    Annotate the poem in your booklet using the annotations on the presentation.

    Wellbeing Wednesday Complete the questions and activities linked to ‘Poppies’. Power and Conflict poetry ‘Remains’. Listen to the audio on the PowerPoint and complete the linked activity.

    Annotate the poem in your booklet using the annotations on the presentation. Complete the questions and activities linked to ‘Remains’.

    Week 5 Power and Conflict poetry ‘War Photographer’. Listen to the audio on the PowerPoint and complete the linked activity.

    Annotate the poem in your booklet using the annotations on the presentation.

    Complete the questions and activities linked to ‘War Photographer’. Wellbeing Wednesday Power and Conflict poetry ‘Tissue’. Listen to the audio on the PowerPoint and complete the linked activity.

    Annotate the poem in your booklet using the annotations on the presentation.

    Complete the questions and activities linked to ‘Tissue’.

    Power and Conflict poetry ‘Checking out me History’. Listen to the audio on the PowerPoint and complete the linked activity.

    Annotate the poem in your booklet using the annotations on the presentation.

    Week 6 Complete the questions and activities linked to ‘Checking out me History’. Return to English Language Paper 2. ‘Hostile Environments’. Read the source materials. Complete questions 1 and 2. Wellbeing Wednesday Complete Question 3.
    Question 4 planning.
    Write up question 4 response.

    Question 5 planning and write up.

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

    Year 10 Summer Poetry Study

    • Year 10 Poetry: Poppies

    • Year 10 Poetry: Checking Out Me History

    • Year 10 Poetry: Byaonet Charge

    • Year 10 Poetry: Tissue

    • Year 10 Poetry: Ozymandia Lesson 1

    • Year 10 Poetry: Ozymandia Lesson 2

    • Year 10 Poetry: Charge of the Light Brigade

    • Year 10 Poetry: Remains

    •  Year 10 Poetry: War Photographer

  • Geography Curriculum Plan

    Geography Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Kerboodle logins

    Username: first initial and surname (ie kgrey)

    Password: same as username (can be changed once logged  in)

    Institution code: sy0

    Contact teacher vis show my homework if you have any issues

    Key words and reading

    Task 1 – Find definitions for the following key words and write them down. Draw an image to help you remember each word. Then, using read, cover, write, learn all of the definitions. Upload your definitions and images for your teacher to check.

    Task 2 – Read the following pages from the kerboodle book to gain an understanding of the content we will cover this week.


    Activities and quiz

    Task 1 – Using the following pages in the kerboodle book to help you, complete the following activities.

    Task 2 – Complete the ‘test yourself’ quiz on kerboodle. It has been added to your assignment pool. Your teacher will see your score.


    Stretch task and practice exam question

    Task 1 – stretch task. Answer the following stretch task in any way you wish and upload for your teacher to look at.

    Task 2 – practice exam question. Answer the following exam question. It has been added to your assignment pool on kerboodle. Your teacher will mark it and give feedback.


    Week 1

    The global distribution of resources

    Task 1 – Key words: agribusiness, carbon footprint, development, energy conservation, energy mix, energy security, food miles, fossil fuels.

    Task 2 – Kerboodle book p256-257

    Task 1 – Kerboodle book p256-257

    What is a resource? How is malnourishment different to undernutrition? Which parts of the world are suffering extreme undernourishment? Why do some countries suffer from water shortages? Describe the pattern of global energy consumption.

    Task 2 – Test yourself quiz

    Task 1 – Describe the pattern of global oil supply and demand. Where is the greatest demand for oil? How is oil transported from regions of supply to regions of demand?

    Task 2 – Describe the global inequality in the supply and consumption of either food or water or energy (6 marks).

    Week 2

    Provision of food in the UK

    Task 1 – Key words: fracking, grey water, import, organic produce, renewable energy, resources, resource management, undernourishment.

    Task 2 – Kerboodle book p258-259

    Task 1 – Kerboodle book p258-259

    Why does the UK import 40% of its food? Why do you think producers receive such a small share of the retail price of food? Is this fair? Which foods travel over 9000km to reach the UK? How is the UK dealing with the problems of importing food?

    Task 2 – Test yourself quiz

    Task 1 – How has foreign travel and migration affected the demand for, and supply of, food in the UK?

    Task 2 – Explain the UK’s attempts to respond to changing demands for food (4 marks).

    Week 3

    Provision of water in the UK

    Task 1 – Key words: undernutrition, water deficit, water quality, water stress, water surplus, water transfer, biofuel, carbon footprint.

    Task 2 – Kerboodle book p260-261

    Task 1 – Kerboodle book p260-261

    Describe the distribution of rainfall in the UK. Why do some areas of the UK experience serious water stress? Explain how water transfer schemes in the UK solve the problems of water supply and demand.

    Task 2 – Test yourself quiz

    Task 1 – Imagine you’re a farmer living in a water deficit area. Investigate how water transfer could help your business. Think about how water transfer could have an impact on the environment.

    Task 2 – Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of large-scale water transfers in the UK (6 marks).

    Week 4 Task 1 – Key words: economic impacts, energy deficit, energy exploitation, energy insecurity, energy mix, energy surplus, environmental impacts, flashpoints.

    Task 2 – Kerboodle book p262-263

    Task 1 – Kerboodle book p262-263

    Describe the UK’s changing energy mix. Describe the trends in electricity generated by renewable resources between 2009 and 2018. Suggest reasons why ‘solar, wave and tidal’ contribute so little to the renewable share of total electricity generation. Make a list of the economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power and wind farms.

    Task 2 – Test yourself quiz

    Task 1 – Research the issue of fracking. What are the arguments for and against exploiting shake gas? How might it affect the UK’s energy mix in the future?

    Task 2 – Suggest how the UK’s energy mix will change by 2030 (4 marks).

    Week 5 Task 1 – Key words: geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, micro-hydro, natural gas, non-renewable energy, nuclear power, renewable energy, shale gas.

    Task 2 – Kerboodle book p288-289

    Task 1 – Kerboodle book p288-289

    Describe the pattern of global energy consumption. What are the reasons for the growth in global energy consumption? How have technological advances affected the consumption and supply or energy?

    Task 2 – Test yourself quiz

    Task 1 – Investigate the rising energy demand in Nigeria. Why is its demand for energy increasing?

    Task 2 – Explain why many countries are experiencing energy insecurity (6 marks).

    Week 6 Task 1 – Key words: social impacts, solar energy, subsistence farming, sustainability, sustainable energy supply, wind energy.

    Task 2 – Kerboodle book p290-291


    Task 1 – Kerboodle book p290-291

    What are the main economic and environmental costa and impacts associated with exploiting oil and gas from the Arctic? Do you think the Arctic should be exploited for energy resources? Justify your answer. What are the benefits and costs of growing crops for fuel?

    Task 2 – Test yourself quiz

    Task 1 – Investigate recent international incidents which have been linked to energy insecurity.

    Task 2 – Outline the impacts of energy insecurity on food production and industrial output (4 marks).

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

  • Childcare / Health & Social Care Curriculum Plans

    Please use the plan for your relevant class. If you are unsure about which class you are in, please contact Mrs. Machowiecka via SMHW.

    Health and Social Care Class List (10-3 health and social care plan):

    H&S Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P1 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P1 to help complete the tasks: 

    1)Produce a set of six questions and answers to test your own understanding of the stages of development from conception to birth. Get a family member to test you on these questions. Try to vary the difficulty of these questions. Some could be multiple choice, some could be asking you to identify a stage with one word answers, some could be more complicated asking for a description or explanation. 


    Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P1 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P1 to help complete the tasks:

    Choice work- choose one of the following tasks to complete:

    1.     Create a timeline of development of the baby from conception to birth using only pictures/drawings of the baby at each stage


    2.     Create a poster to be displayed in a GP waiting room on what mothers should not do during pregnancy


    Create an information leaflet on the complications during labour- to include: breech birth, premature birth, caesarean section and lack of oxygen

    Folder ‘Unit 2 Professional Practice’

    Use the following folder to help: ‘P1 Legislation’


    Chose one of the following pieces of legislation:

    Equality Act 2010

    General Data Protection Regulation

    Human Rights Act 1998

    Health & Social Care Act 2012

    Care Act 2014

    Create a mind map to summarise 3 key things to remember about it.

    If you have not done this already  Create a new folder in your Health and social care folder and name it ‘Absence work’.  Save this work in here.  Once you have done this, send me a message on ‘show my homework’ to let me know you have completed this task and it is ready for marking.

    Week 2 Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P2 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P2 to help complete the tasks: 

    Create a table 7 rows and 6 columns

    In the first column write down the names of the 6 lifestages.

    In the second column write the age of the lifestage.

    In the third column write down a physical development that occurs in each lifestage.

    In the fourth column write down a cognitive development that occurs in each lifestage.

    In the fifth column write down an emotional development that occurs in each lifestage.

    In the sixth column write down a social development that occurs in each lifestage.

    Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P2 & P3 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P2 & P3 to help complete the tasks: 

    1 Create flash cards or a poster or a spider diagram containing definitions for:

    · Physical development

    · Social development

    · Cognitive development

    · Emotional development

    2. Give one example for each lifestage, of something that can affect someone holistically- e.g for Infancy- how can creating a bond/attachment affect them holistically?  

    Give examples of at least three different activities that can promote holistic development.

    Folder ‘Unit 2 Professional Practice’

    Use the following folder to help: ‘P1 Legislation’


    The 6C’s are key principles, which should inform every health and social care worker’s practice. 

    i)Name the 6Cs.

    ii)Give an example of how a care worker could demonstrate each of the 6Cs.







    Week 3 Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P4 & D2 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P4 & D2 to help complete the tasks: 

    Scenario- a child with cystic fibrosis asks his mother ‘how come I have cystic fibrosis but my friends don’t?’. His mother replies ‘it is in your genes’.

    Task: Using the key terms below, provide a better explanation for the child as to why he has cystic fibrosis and his friends do not. Ensure in this explanation that you provide another example of biological (nature) factor that effects development, and an example of an environmental (nurture) factor that effects development.

    KEY WORDS: Nature, Nurture, Down’s syndrome, Education.

    Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P4 & D2 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P4 & D2 to help complete the tasks: 

    Nature vs Nurture debate- fold a piece of paper in half and write Nature at the top of one side and nurture at the top of the other. In the middle of the page write the word ‘intelligence’/ On each side of the paper come up with as many factors/causes/arguments as you can as to why intelligence can be caused by nature (biology) or nurture (environment).

    On the back of your sheet write a small paragraph as to which side of the debate you think has the biggest impact.


    Unit 2 consolidation tasks:

    Folder ‘Unit 2 Professional Practice’

    Use the following folder to help: ‘P2/M3 Skills’


    Produce a revision card for at least six different examples of skills, attributes or behaviours required by health and social care practitioners.  Describe how a practitioner can apply these skills, attributes or behaviours when dealing with their patient.

    Week 4 Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P5 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P5 to help complete the tasks: 

    Create a scenario of a service user who may be showing signs of abuse- explain how, why and when their carer should respond.

    For example- a child at school, or an elderly person in a care home, or an adult with learning disabilities at the doctors.

    Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P6, M1 & D1 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P6, M1 & D1 to help complete the tasks: 

    1) Produce 6 flash cards or a spider diagram or a poster which describe examples of planned and unplanned transitions during each life stage.

    2) Write a paragraph to explain how an unplanned transition in the middle adulthood life stage can affect an individual’s independence.

    3) Make a list of transitions and life experiences that you have experienced. And categorise these into planned and unplanned.


    Unit 2 consolidation tasks:

    Folder ‘Unit 2 Professional Practice’

    Use the following PowerPoint to help: ‘Unit 2 P7 & M2 Person Centred Care’


    a)In your own words, write a definition for ‘person-centred practice’

    b) What is the impact for individuals of
    ‘person-centred care’?

    c) Describe an example of a practitioner providing person centred care to their patient.

    d) Explain the impact that this person-centred care will have on the patient.

    Week 5 Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P6, M1 & D1 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P6, M1 & D1 to help complete the tasks: 

    1) Write a paragraph to explain how ‘resilience’ can help an individual to cope with planned and expected life events. 

    2) Write a paragraph to explain the short and long term impacts of 3 life events on a relationship

    Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P7, M2 & M3 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P7, M2 & M3 to help complete the tasks: 

    1) Produce a flow chart that show the stages of a care plan

    2) For each stage you must include:

    · A description of what occurs at that stage

    · The purpose of that stage in the care plan

    Unit 2 consolidation tasks:

    Folder ‘Unit 2 Professional Practice’

    Use the following PowerPoint to help: ‘‘Unit 2 P7 & M2 Person Centred Care’


    Continuing from last lesson.

    1) Write a small case study of an individual who has care or support needs.  Example, hearing loss, dementia or mobility difficulties.

    2) List the individual’s needs and give examples of person-centred practice that would help to meet these needs.

    Week 6 Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use P7, M2 & M3 ppt and your Unit 3 coursework P7, M2 & M3 to help complete the tasks: 

    1) Create a scenario of a service user who requires an individualised care plan.

    For example- this could be a child who has a learning disability and needs support at school. Or a teenager with mental health problems. Or an elderly person who is beginning to shows signs of dementia.

    2) Create a care plan for this user.

    Read the example in the PowerPoint to help.

    Unit 3 consolidation tasks:

    Use all ppts and your entire Unit 3 coursework to help complete the tasks: 

    Create a quiz on Unit 3- there must be at least one question for the content included in each of the following:

    P1, P2, P3, P4, D2, P5, P6, M1, D1, P7, M2, M3

    That means at least 12 questions

    Once you have written the questions and answers- ask a family member to test you on them.  Or better yet- create a quiz using an online tool and send to your classmates to complete.

    Unit 2 consolidation tasks:

    Folder ‘Unit 2 Professional Practice’

     Use the following PowerPoint to help: ‘Unit 2 P7 & M2 Person Centred Care’


    a)In your own words, write a definition for ‘holistic needs’.

    b) i)Give an example of how a health and social care worker can try to meet the social needs of an individual  

    ii) How in doing this would it affect the individual’s emotional, cognitive and physical needs?

    c) i)Give an example of how a health and social care worker can try to meet the emotional needs of an individual  

    ii)How in doing this would it affect the individual’s social, cognitive and physical needs

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

    Child Care:

    H&S Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 LO1 –UNIT1

    Create flash cards based on a minimum of 4 different childcare settings.

    Include the following:

    • What ages of children do they look after
    • Are they registered or not?
    • Advantages and disadvantages of each childcare setting.
    • What type of provision? (Voluntary, private, statutory?)

    Does the setting have a website?

    LO1 –UNIT1

    Create a ‘bad’ day nursery and a ‘good’ day nursery story board.

    What makes the day nursery bad?  

    Compare each both day nurseries and describe the differences.

    Include illustrations if you can.

    LO1 –UNIT1

    Watch the episode of ‘a secret life of a 4 year old

    Answer the worksheet provided whilst watching the video.

    Week 2 LO2 –UNIT1

    Create a mind map highlighting all the key issues to consider when preparing for placement.

    Make sure you include a minimum of 5 key issues.

    Include a description for each heading in your mind map.

    Once complete try to recreate your mind map using a maximum of 2 sentences for each subheading.

    LO2 –UNIT1

    Write a letter or email to a setting asking whether a placement is available. Address it to the placement or placement co-ordinator. Remember to include the points you have included in your mind map as well as your contact details (make these up!!) and when you would need to start your placement.

    LO2 –UNIT1

    Imagine you are opening up your own early years setting. You need staff!

    Make a list and description of the different roles of staff required in your early years setting. Make sure you include a mentor for those who wish to gain work experience at your setting.

    Week 3 LO3 –UNIT1

    Create a job description / person specification which includes the responsibilities of an early year’s worker.

    Use the examples attached as support.

    Lesson 1/2(two lessons to complete)

    LO3 –UNIT1

    Create a job description / person specification which includes the responsibilities of an early year’s worker.

    Use the examples attached as support.

    Lesson 2/2(two lessons to complete)

    LO3 –UNIT1

    Research and find a list of policies for an early year setting which is local to you. Make a list of the main policies which you need to know about and under each one, note down the key information using bullet points.

    Week 4 Caring for a Baby

    1. Get yourself an egg or a full bag of flour (ask your parent/carer first!).

    2. Gather a range of materials to create your ‘baby’ with – sharpie pens, coloured pens, googly eyes, wool, ribbon, felt, cotton wool, fabricsDecide if your baby is a boy or a girl.

    3. Make your ‘baby’ – this video is an example of how you can do it

    4. Name your baby and take a photo of you and your newborn baby!

    5. Take care of your baby for 7 days! You must carry your baby – you cannot put your baby in a bag or leave it unattended. You must take your baby everywhere with you, you cannot leave your baby at any point! If you have a shower your baby must be safely in the room with you, or being looked after by someone you trust (a babysitter).

    6. Take photos of you and your baby doing different things, throughout the week.

    7. If your baby gets an injury, you can use a plaster to try to look after it.

    8. Write a diary each day saying how you have found ‘parenting’.

    Lesson 1/3 (three lessons to complete)

    Caring for a Baby

    1. Get yourself an egg or a full bag of flour (ask your parent/carer first!).

    2. Gather a range of materials to create your ‘baby’ with – sharpie pens, coloured pens, googly eyes, wool, ribbon, felt, cotton wool, fabricsDecide if your baby is a boy or a girl.

    3. Make your ‘baby’ – this video is an example of how you can do it

    4. Name your baby and take a photo of you and your newborn baby!

    5. Take care of your baby for 7 days! You must carry your baby – you cannot put your baby in a bag or leave it unattended. You must take your baby everywhere with you, you cannot leave your baby at any point! If you have a shower your baby must be safely in the room with you, or being looked after by someone you trust (a babysitter).

    6. Take photos of you and your baby doing different things, throughout the week.

    7. If your baby gets an injury, you can use a plaster to try to look after it.

    8. Write a diary each day saying how you have found ‘parenting’.

    Lesson 1/3 (three lessons to complete)


    Caring for a Baby

    1. Get yourself an egg or a full bag of flour (ask your parent/carer first!).

    2. Gather a range of materials to create your ‘baby’ with – sharpie pens, coloured pens, googly eyes, wool, ribbon, felt, cotton wool, fabricsDecide if your baby is a boy or a girl.

    3. Make your ‘baby’ – this video is an example of how you can do it

    4. Name your baby and take a photo of you and your newborn baby!

    5. Take care of your baby for 7 days! You must carry your baby – you cannot put your baby in a bag or leave it unattended. You must take your baby everywhere with you, you cannot leave your baby at any point! If you have a shower your baby must be safely in the room with you, or being looked after by someone you trust (a babysitter).

    6. Take photos of you and your baby doing different things, throughout the week.

    7. If your baby gets an injury, you can use a plaster to try to look after it.

    8. Write a diary each day saying how you have found ‘parenting’.

    Lesson 1/3 (three lessons to complete)

    Week 5 Research how a child develops physically from a newborn baby to a 5 year old child. What skills do they develop? A newborn baby can only cry, suck, blink, breath and throw arms and legs about involuntarily. By 5 a child can run, hop, skip, ride a bike, jump etc… (episode of ‘the secret life of a …year old’) what stages does the baby go through to become a physically developed 5 year old? Create a poster or booklet for parents to look at to see how their child should develop over the 5 years.

    Lesson 1/2(two lessons to complete)

    Research how a child develops physically from a newborn baby to a 5 year old child. What skills do they develop? A newborn baby can only cry, suck, blink, breath and throw arms and legs about involuntarily. By 5 a child can run, hop, skip, ride a bike, jump etc… (episode of ‘the secret life of a …year old’) what stages does the baby go through to become a physically developed 5 year old? Create a poster or booklet for parents to look at to see how their child should develop over the 5 years.

    Lesson 2/2(two lessons to complete)

    Plan out a range of suitable activities for a 3, 4 or 5 year old. You need to consider the aim of your activity (what skill are you trying to develop?) what resources you will need to carry out the activity, where will you do the activity?
    Week 6 Feeding a child! Research suitable recipes for a 1-2-year-old child. How can you make healthy, interesting meals that a child will want to try? Create a week meal planner. Think our portion sizes and the types of foods children need to develop. Look at the Eat Well Plate for inspiration. Make one (or more!) of your recipes, photograph and include it in your meal planner.

    Lesson 1/3 (three lessons to complete)

    Feeding a child! Research suitable recipes for a 1-2-year-old child. How can you make healthy, interesting meals that a child will want to try? Create a week meal planner. Think our portion sizes and the types of foods children need to develop. Look at the Eat Well Plate for inspiration. Make one (or more!) of your recipes, photograph and include it in your meal planner.

    Lesson 2/3 (three lessons to complete)

    Feeding a child! Research suitable recipes for a 1-2-year-old child. How can you make healthy, interesting meals that a child will want to try? Create a week meal planner. Think our portion sizes and the types of foods children need to develop. Look at the Eat Well Plate for inspiration. Make one (or more!) of your recipes, photograph and include it in your meal planner.

    Lesson 2/3 (three lessons to complete)

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

  • History Curriculum Plan

    History Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 The armistice: aims of the peacemakers

    Students to recall key politicians at the Paris Peace Conference and explain what each of the ‘Big Three’ wanted to achieve

    The Versailles Settlement

    Students to consider how the treaty affected Germany and explain what Germany lost in the terms of the Treaty of Versailles

    What was the reaction to the Treaty of Versailles?

    Students explain how different countries felt after the Treaty of Versailles and analyse political sources about the treaty

    Week 2 How fair was the Treaty of Versailles and the wider settlement?

    Students to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the peace treaties

    Why was the League of Nations created?

    Students to describe the aims of the League of Nations and explain how the league attempted to prevent more wars

    How was the League of Nations structured?

    Students to explain the structure and organisation of the League of Nations and analyse the strengths and limitations of the structure

    Week 3 How successful was the League in the 1920s?

    Students to explain the political problems that the League tackled in the 1920s and evaluate how successful the league was in dealing with international disputes during the 1920s

    How successful was the League in the 1920s?

    Students to explain the political problems that the League tackled in the 1920s and evaluate how successful the league was in dealing with international disputes during the 1920s

    How did international agreements help the League of Nations

    Students to describe international treaties that did not involve the League of Nations and assess how significant they were and how much damage they caused the league’s reputation

    Week 4 The decline of international cooperation in the 1930s

    Students to outline the impact the depression had on countries like Japan and Italy

    The decline of international cooperation in the 1930s

    Students to outline the impact the depression had on countries like Japan and Italy

    Was the League of Nations destined to fail?

    Students to summarise their ideas about why the League of Nations had failed by 1939

    Week 5 What did Hitler want?

    Students to describe Hitler’s foreign policy and explain why Hitler’s foreign policy meant that peace was likely to collapse in the 1930s

    How did other countries react to Hitler’s foreign policy?

    Students to summarise how Britain, Franc, the USSR and the USA reacted to Hitler and analyse why little action was taken against Hitler by these countries

    German rearmament and the road the war

    Students to explain how Hitler broke the terms of the Treaty of Versailles between 1933-35

    Week 6 The reoccupation of the Rhineland

    Students to outline why and how Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland and explain the motives behind the reaction from other countries 

    Which countries supported Hitler?

    Students to identify who Hitler wanted alliances with and explain how these alliances strengthened Hitler’s position

    Anschluss with Austria

    Students to describe the reasons why Austria was important to Hitler and explain how Hitler achieved Anschluss

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

  • Maths Curriculum Plan

    Year 10 Maths (set 1)

    6 Week Plan

    The 6-week plan (below) for set 1 pupils has been set using Hegartymaths. Pupils are asked to watch the videos, make notes and complete the quiz for each lesson. This will enable us to track pupil performance and for the class teacher to intervene if needed.

    Website: www.hegartymaths.co.uk

    Login details: pupil name, DOB and their own password

    When pupils have completed a number of lessons, they are to complete a MEMRI quiz, on hegartymaths, and work through additional questions using the corbettmaths links in the plan below. Pupils are to mark these using the answers provided by Miss Duffy via SMHW.

    If you have any questions then please contact the class teacher through SMHW.

    Maths Set 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
    Week 1 Equation of a circle 1

    Lesson 778

    Equation of a circle 2
    Lesson 2
    Wellness Wednesday Corbett maths practice questions Multiplication and division with surds.
    Lesson 113 and 114
    Week 2 Simplifying surds

    Lesson 115

    Brackets involving Surds
    Lesson 116 and 117
    Wellness Wednesday  Rationalising Surds 1

    Lesson 118


    Rationalising surds 2
    Lesson 119
    Week 3 Corbett Maths practice questions Column Vectors
    Lesson 623
    Wellness Wednesday Negative Vectors
    Lesson 624
    Combining Vectors
    Lesson 625
    Week 4 Vectors: Multiplying by a scalar.
    Lesson 626
    Vectors Corbett Maths Worksheet Wellness Wednesday Vectors: Geometry problems 1
    Lesson 628
    Vectors: Geometry problems 2
    Lesson 629
    Week 5 Graph Transformations –f(x)±a

    Lesson 307

    Graph Transformations f(x±a)


    Lesson 308

    Wellness Wednesday Graph transformations


    Lesson 309

    Graph transformations


    Lesson 310

    Week 6 Graph Transformations 


    Lesson 311


    Graph Transformations


    Wellness Wednesday Corbett maths practice questions Practice paper

    You can download the above table for Maths Set 1 by clicking here.

    Year 10 Maths (set 2)

    6 Week Plan

    The 6-week plan (below) for set 2 pupils has been set using Mathswatch or GCSE topic tests. Pupils are asked to watch the videos and complete the questions for each Mathswatch lesson. This will enable us to track pupil performance and for the class teacher to intervene if needed. Pupils are asked to complete tests then check answers for the topic test lessons. All non Mathswatch work will be available on SMHW.

    Website: www.vle.mathswatch.co.uk

    Login details: username: is first initial (uppercase) surname (lowercase)@southmoorschool (eg for John Smith username: Jsmith@southmoorschool)

    Password: southmoor

    Maths Set 2 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
    Week 1 Topic Test Higher 1 Mathswatch Fractions Lesson 1 Wellness Wednesday Corbett Maths consolidation booklet Mathswatch Fractions Lesson 2
    Week 2 Topic Test Higher 2 Mathswatch Fractions Lesson 3 Wellness Wednesday Corbett Maths consolidation booklet 134/142 Mathswatch Fractions Lesson 4
    Week 3 Topic Test Higher 3 Corbett Maths consolidation booklet Wellness Wednesday Mathswatch Reciprocal Lesson Corbett Maths consolidation booklet
    Week 4 Topic Test Higher 4 Mathswatch Indices Lesson 1 Wellness Wednesday Corbett Maths consolidation booklet Mathswatch Indices Lesson 2
    Week 5 Topic Test Higher 5 Corbett Maths consolidation booklet Wellness Wednesday Mathswatch Indices Lesson 3 Corbett Maths consolidation booklet
    Week 6 Topic Test Higher 5 Exam paper Wellness Wednesday Exam paper Exam paper

    You can download the above table for Maths Set 2 by clicking here.

    Year 10 Maths (set 3-5)

    6 Week Plan

    The 6-week plan (below) for set 2 pupils has been set using Mathswatch, corbettmaths or GCSE topic tests. Pupils are asked to watch the videos and complete the questions for each Mathswatch lesson. This will enable us to track pupil performance and for the class teacher to intervene if needed. Pupils are asked to complete tests then check answers for the topic test lessons. All non Mathswatch work will be available on SMHW.

    Website: www.vle.mathswatch.co.uk

    Login details: username: is first initial (uppercase) surname (lowercase)@southmoorschool (eg for John Smith username: Jsmith@southmoorschool)

    Password: southmoor

    If you have any questions then please contact the class teacher through SMHW.

    Maths Sets 3-5 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
    Week 1 Topic test 9 Mathswatch Fractions Lesson 1 Wellness Wednesday Corbett Maths consolidation booklet Mathswatch Fractions Lesson 2
    Week 2 Topic test 10 Mathswatch Fractions Lesson 3 Wellness Wednesday Corbett Maths consolidation booklet 134/142 Mathswatch Fractions Lesson 4
    Week 3 Topic test 11 Corbett Maths consolidation booklet Wellness Wednesday Mathswatch Reciprocal Lesson  Corbett Maths consolidation booklet
    Week 4 Topic test 12 Mathswatch Indices Lesson 1 Wellness Wednesday Corbett Maths consolidation booklet Mathswatch Indices Lesson 2
    Week 5 Topic test 13 Corbett Maths consolidation booklet Wellness Wednesday Mathswatch Indices Lesson 3 Corbett Maths consolidation booklet
    Week 6 Topic test 13 Exam paper Wellness Wednesday Exam paper Exam paper

    You can download the above table for Maths Set 3-5 by clicking here.

  • Media Curriculum Plan

    Media Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 What have you learned in Media Studies in Yr 10? Complete the Reflection/Self-evaluation on the course so far. 

    We need to continue to learn the media terminology for what is on the front cover of magazines. These are conventions (what is commonly used). Complete the analysis of the magazine front covers.

    Your task is to try and write two detailed paragraphs analyse one or two conventions on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine. First read the example I have provided to enable you to gain higher marks.  Try to structure your writing so that it uses, PEAL. Wellbeing Wednesday.
    Week 2 Recap from last lesson, what are the conventions of a magazine.  Remember your set examinations texts for magazine.  Now we are going to develop our understanding of the conventions of a sub-genre, gossip magazine.  What can you remember about Reveal magazine? Theory recap – can you remember how to apply narrative theories to a media text to help make further meaning. We will apply Todorov’s Narrative Theory and Propp’s Character Theory to the front cover.

    Propp’s character: Hero, Villain, Helper, Donor, Princess, False Hero, Dispatcher

    Todorov’s Narrative: Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition, Climax, Resolution

    We will use these two theories to evaluate and write about the set text magazines.

    Wellbeing Wednesday.
    Week 3 Let’s keep building on our knowledge and understanding of our set text magazines.  Can you remember Tatler magazine?  Can you list the details of the magazine and recap the codes and conventions of the magazine?  Complete the worksheets in the booklet. Let’s look at the representation of the magazine?  Can you remember the concept of representation?  How can the feature of Tatler magazine show representation?  Use your booklet to develop your ideas. Wellbeing Wednesday.
    Week 4 This is a new unit!

    We will be studying the creation of BBC Radio 1 in 1967!

    We will be studying why it was created by the BBC, what is its target audience was and how it appealed to them.

    In this lesson, we will be looking at the historical context of the 1960s to help us understand reasons why the BBC started Radio 1.

    Work through the booklet and complete that background research.

    Now you understand the development of radio, now research the development of pirate radio.

    Work through the research tasks and watch the YouTube video on the development of pirate radio.

    Complete the analysis what you have learned so far in the section provided.

    Wellbeing Wednesday.

    Week 5 In this lesson, we will look at the BBC as an institution and how this influenced the creation of Radio 1. We will also look at government regulation of radio – particularly pirate radio – and how this led to the end of pirate radio and the success of Radio 1.

    Use the work task to help you develop your ideas.

    We will also look at government regulation of pirate radio –  and how this is controlled.

    Complete the worksheets and research on the pirate radio history and development.

    Wellbeing Wednesday.
    Week 6 Your task is to try and write two detailed paragraphs analysing pirate radio.  First read the example I have provided to enable you to gain higher marks.  Try to structure your writing so that it uses, PEAL.  Use the evidence from your research to develop your ideas. Use the work booklet to complete your compare and contrast analysis in relation to the BBC and Pirate Radio.

    Use the structure in the booklet and PEAL to present your final assignment in an effective way – good luck

    Wellbeing Wednesday.

    You can download a practice brief of the above plan by clicking here.

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

  • MFL Curriculum Plan

    Year 10 French

    French Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 Seneca: All tasks in 1.4 – Festivals & 2.1 (6 activities) on Hometown, Neighbourhood & Region Regular Present Tense Verbs Worksheet including reflexive verbs


    Irregular Present Tense Verbs Worksheet
    Week 2 ActiveLearn: Chapter 1: Unit 3, 4 and 5 all tasks Asking Questions Worksheet Using the near future tense worksheet
    Week 3 Seneca: all tasks in 2.2 (3 activities on Social Issues) & 2.3 (2 activities on Global Issues) The Perfect Tense with avoir worksheet The Perfect Tense with être worksheet
    Week 4 ActiveLearn Chapter 2: Unit 1,2 and 5 all tasks The Imperfect Tense Worksheet School Subjects Revision Worksheet
    Week 5 Seneca: all tasks in 2.4 (4 activities on Travel & Tourism) The Simple Future Tense & the Conditional Worksheet Telling the Time Revision Worksheet
    Week 6 General Conversation Speaking Exam Booklet Preparation -Theme 1 Topic General Conversation Speaking Exam Booklet Preparation -Theme 2 Topic General Conversation Speaking Exam Booklet Preparation -Theme 3 Topic

    Year 10 German

    German Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 ActiveLearn: Chapter 1: Unit 1,2 & 3 all tasks Present Tense Revision Worksheet Present Tense Revision Worksheet
    Week 2 ActiveLearn: Chapter 2: Unit 1 & 2 all tasks Perfect Tense Revision Worksheet – using haben Perfect Tense Revision Worksheet – using sein
    Week 3 ActiveLearn: Chapter 1: Unit 4&5 all tasks Future Tense & future conditional revision worksheet Future Tense & future conditional revision worksheet
    Week 4 ActiveLearn: Chapter 2: Unit 3&4 all tasks Revision of Countries Worksheet including multi-tense revision Revision of Countries Worksheet including multi-tense revision
    Week 5 ActiveLearn: Chapter 3: Unit 1&2 all tasks Weather Revision Worksheet including multi-tense revison Weather Revision Worksheet including multi-tense revison
    Week 6 General Conversation Speaking Exam Booklet Preparation -Theme 1 Topic General Conversation Speaking Exam Booklet Preparation -Theme 2 Topic General Conversation Speaking Exam Booklet Preparation -Theme 3 Topic

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

  • Performing Arts Curriculum Plan

    Year 10 Drama

    Drama Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1  Monologues PPT

    What is a monologue?

    • read introductory slides
    • watch monologues 1-5 and make the notes as instructed.

    You will need slides 1-11.

    Monologues PPT

    What is a monologue?

    • remind yourself of your task using intro slides
    • watch monologues 6-12 and make notes instructed.

    You will need slides 1-6 and 12-16.

    Monologues PPT

    Choosing your monologue.

    To do this you will need the Choices booklet.

    You will see there are a lot of choices.

    Follow the instructions on the PPT on slides 17-19

    Week 2 Monologues PPT

    Choosing your monologue.

    To do this you will need the Choices booklet.

    You will see there are a lot of choices.

    Follow the instructions on the PPT slides 17-19

    Monologues PPT

    Getting to know your monologue.

    You must now have made a firm choice.  Complete the following

    • on-line warm-up
    • context task
    • punctuation task
    • line learning task

    Follow the guidance on slides 20-22

    (lesson 5)

    Component one revision

    Mock exam 1

    Complete 8 and 12 mark questions.

    Week 3 Monologues PPT

    Understanding your monologue further.

    Complete the following

    • on-line warm-up
    • emotion graph
    • audience task
    • run-through
    • line learning task

    Follow the guidance on slides 23-29.

    ( lesson 6)

    Monologues PPT

    Thinking of impact.

    Complete the following

    • on-line warm-up
    • pair feedback performance
    • line learning task

    Follow the guidance on slides 30-33.

     ( lesson 7)

    Component one revision

    Mock exam 1

    Complete 4 and  20 mark questions

    Week 4 Monologues PPT

    Developing further

    Complete the following

    • on-line warm-up
    • sing it
    • accents
    • in –role social media post
    • line learning task

    Follow the guidance on slides 34-39

    ( lesson 8)

    Monologues PPT

    On the outside

    Complete the following

    • on-line warm-up
    • physical task 1
    • physical task 2
    • run through

    See slides 40-43

    (lesson 9)

    Component one revision

    Mock exam 2

    Complete 8 and 12 mark questions.

    Week 5 Monologues PPT

    On the outside continued

    Complete the following

    • on-line warm-up
    • States of tension
    • Props and costume
    • run through
    • line learning

    See slides 44-48

    (lesson 10)

    Monologues PPT

    On the inside

    Complete the following

    • on-line warm-up
    • Hot-seating
    • Role on the wall
    • Line learning activity

    See slides 49-56

    (lesson 11)

    Component one revision

    Mock exam 2

    Complete 4 and  20 mark questions

    Week 6 Monologues PPT

    On the inside continued

    Complete the following

    • on-line warm-up
    • 7 key lines
    • Subtext
    • Run- through
    • Line learning activity

    See slides 57-65

    (lesson 12)

    Monologues PPT




    see slides 66-68

    (lesson 13)


    You can download the above table by clicking here.

    Year 10 Music

    Music Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 Introduction to style: Western Classical tradition 1650-1910

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Introduction to style: Orchestral Music of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Choose and begin to work on Performance Controlled Assessment.
    Week 2 Introduction to style: Piano music of Chopin and Schumann

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Introduction to style: Requiem of the late Romantic period

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Choose and begin to work on Performance Controlled Assessment.
    Week 3 Introduction to style: Music of Broadway 1950s-1990s

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Introduction to style: Rock Music of the 60s and 70s

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Choose and begin to work on Performance Controlled Assessment.
    Week 4 Introduction to style: Film and computer gaming music 1990-present

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Introduction to style: Pop music 1990 to present

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Continue to perfect performance submission
    Week 5 Introduction to style: Blues music 1920-1950

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Introduction to style: Fusion music inc. African and/or Caribbean

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Continue to perfect performance submission
    Week 6 Introduction to style: Contemporary Latin Music

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Introduction to style: Contemporary Folk Music of Britain

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style

    Exam style question relating to this style

    Record and submit performance controlled assessment for mock grading.

    Week 1, Lesson 1:

    Introduction to style: Coronation anthems and oratorios of Handel

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list
      • Handel Coronation Anthems
      • Zadok the Priest
      • The King shall rejoice
      • Messiah
    • Analyse all pieces above using area of study terms
    • Compile list of “typical” features of Coronation anthems and oratorios of Handel
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to style:
      • Listen to Handel’s oratorio and discuss how his use of the musical elements are typical of Handel’s Coronation Anthems and Oratorios.

    Week 1, Lesson 2:

    Introduction to style: Orchestral Music of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • Haydn Symphony 94, 101 and 103
      • Haydn trumpet Concerto
      • Mozart Symphony 25 and 41
      • Mozart Clarinet Concerto and Horn Concerto
      • Beethoven Symphony no 6
      • Beethoven Piano Concerto no 5 and Violin Concerto in D
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of style
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style
      • Listen to Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D, discuss how the musical elements used in this excerpt are typical of the orchestral music of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.

    Week 1, Lesson 3:

    • Pupils must choose a piece that is within their ability but as close to grade 5 as possible, it must also be a piece that they enjoy and are willing to practice and perfect for weeks and months in order to produce a perfect performance in September.
    • ‘Submit’ a few choices of pieces to teacher with reasons for choices

    Week 2, Lesson 1:

    Introduction to style: Piano music of Chopin and Schumann

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • Chopin Prelude Opus 28 no 15
      • Chopic Polonaise inc. military
      • Schumann Kinderszen
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Piano music of Chopin and Schumann
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style
      • Listen to Chopin’s “Raindrop” prelude, discuss how the musical elements used in this excerpt are typical of the Piano music of Chopin and Schumann

    Week 2, Lesson 2:

    Introduction to style: Requiem of the late Romantic period

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • Faure’s Requiem
      • Verdi’s Requiem
      • Brahms’ German Requiem
      • Dvorak’s Requiem
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Requiem of the late Romantic period
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style – more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to this excerpt from Verdi’s Requiem and discuss how Verdi’s use of Harmony, Timbre and Melody is typical of Requiem of the late Romantic Period.

    Week 2, Lesson 3:

    • Pupils complete thorough practice on the first phrase of their chosen piece. Within this practice session they should perfect this section
    • Pupils are expected to continue to play this section at least once per day (taking approx. 1 minute per day) to maintain progress for next week.
    • Pupils submit an audio file of their progress for assessment

    Week 3 Lesson 1:

    Introduction to style: Music of Broadway 1950s-1990s

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • West Side Story
      • Little Shop of Horrors
      • Grease
      • The Lion King
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Music of Broadway 1950s-1990s
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style – more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to this excerpt from ‘Da doo’ – Little Shop of Horrors and discuss how Menken’s use of Timbre, Texture and Harmony is typical of Music of Broadway 1950s-1990s

    Week 3 Lesson 2:

    Introduction to style: Rock Music of the 60s and 70s

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • Led Zeppelin IV
      • Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Rock Music of the 60s and 70s
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style – more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to this excerpt from Black Dog and discuss how Led Zeppelin’s use of technology is typical of Rock Music of the 60s and 70s.

    Week 3, Lesson 3:

    • Pupils complete thorough practice on the second phrase of their chosen piece. Within this practice session they should perfect this section
    • Pupils are expected to continue to play this section at least once per day (taking approx. 1 minute per day) to maintain progress for next week.
    • Pupils submit an audio file of their progress for assessment

    Week 4, Lesson 1:

    Introduction to style: Film and computer gaming music 1990-present

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • John Williams Star Wars, Harry Potter
      • Hans Zimmer Gladiator, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Dark Knight
      • Winifred Phillipd Little Big Planet
      • Harry Gregson-Williams Metal Gear Solid 4 – Guns of the Patriots
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Film and computer gaming music 1990-present
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style – more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to this excerpt from Hedwig’s Theme, discuss how Williams’ use of timbre, harmony, and structure is typical of Film and computer gaming music 1990-present.

    Week 4, Lesson 2

    Introduction to style: Pop music 1990 to present

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • White Stripes Elephant
      • Taylor Swift 1989, 2014
      • Adele 21
      • Alicia Keys Girl on Fire
      • Coldplay Ghost Stories
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Pop music 1990 to present
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style – more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to this excerpt from Adele’s Rolling in the Deep and discuss how her use of harmony, melody, tonality and rhythm is typical of Pop music 1990 to present

    Week 4, Lesson 3:

    • Pupils complete thorough practice on the third phrase of their chosen piece. Within this practice session they should perfect this section
    • Pupils are expected to continue to play this section at least once per day (taking approx. 2 minute per day) to maintain progress for next week.
    • Pupils submit an audio file of their progress for assessment

    Week 5, Lesson 1

    Introduction to style: Blues music 1920-1950

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • Robert Johnson
      • Bessie Smith
      • Big Bill Broonzy
      • Blind Willie McTell
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Blues music 1920-1950
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style – more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to Blackwater Blues by Bessie Smith and discuss how her use of rhythm, metre ad timbre are typical of Blues music 1920-1950

    Week 5, Lesson 2:

    Introduction to style: Fusion music inc. African and/or Caribbean

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • Bob Marley Legend
      • Paul Simon Graceland
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Fusion music inc. African and/or Caribbean
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style – more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to Diamonds on the soles of her shoes by Paul Simon and discuss how his use of timbre, rhythm and metre are typical of Fusion music inc. African and/or Caribbean

    Week 5, Lesson 3:

    • Pupils complete thorough practice on the fourth phrase of their chosen piece. Within this practice session they should perfect this section
    • Pupils are expected to continue to play this section at least once per day (taking approx. 2 minute per day) to maintain progress for next week.
    • Pupils submit an audio file of their progress for assessment

    Week 6, Lesson 1:

    Introduction to style: Contemporary Latin Music

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • Santana Supernatural
      • Buena Vista Social Club
      • Piazolla Libertango
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Contemporary Latin Music
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style- more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to Santana Migra and discuss how their use of timbre, rhythm and harmony are typical of Contemporary Latin Music

    Week 6, Lesson 2:

    Introduction to style: Contemporary Folk Music of Britain

    • Listen to named pieces in AQA listening list.
      • Mumford and Sons Sigh no More
      • Kate Rusby Little Lights
    • Analyse using area of study terms
    • Compile list of typical features of Contemporary Folk Music of Britain
    • Memorise list of typical features
    • Exam style question relating to this style – more complex now and only including certain Element groups
      • Listen to this excerpt from Mumford and Sons “The Cave” and discuss how their use of melody, harmony and timbre is typical of Contemporary Folk Music of Britain.

    Week 6, Lesson 3:

    • Pupils complete thorough practice on the final phrase of their chosen piece. Within this practice session they should perfect this section
    • Pupils are expected to continue to play this section at least once per day (taking approx. 2 minute per day) to maintain progress for next week.
    • Pupils submit an audio file of their performance for assessment
    • Pupils are expected to maintain or improve this standard over the summer for final assessment recording on return to school.

    You can download the above information by clicking here.

  • PE/Sport Curriculum Plan

    Sport Lesson 1 Lesson 2
    Week 1 You as a sports leader.

    Think about situations where you have been a sports leader. This could be as a captain, a coach, a supporter to other pupils, helping to organise equipment etc.

    Answer the following questions:

    What is a sports leader?

    Why are sports leaders important?

    What skills do you think sports leaders should have?

    When you have answered the questions, you then need to complete a leader self-analysis on your skills as a leader!

    Be as honest as you can! (sheet attached)

    Who are sports leaders?

    You now need to research some famous sports leaders.

    What makes them successful? What did they achieve? Why did people like them/follow them?

    Choose 2 sports leaders and create a Facebook profile for

    Week 2 Task 1 – Skills and Qualities of a sports leader

    For this task, you need to consider the skills and attributes that make a successful sports leader.

    · Communication

    · organisation of equipment

    · knowledge

    · activity structure

    · target setting

    · use of language

    · evaluation

    · appearance

    · enthusiasm

    · confidence

    · leadership style

    · motivation

    · humour

    · personality

    Choose 2 contrasting sports leaders (e.g. Football manager, coach, elite athlete, PE teacher etc.) and produce a mind map of their skills and attributes. For each one, give examples of how they use them!

    Task 2 – Responsibilities of a sports leader

    For this task, you need to consider the responsibilities of a successful sports leader

    · professional conduct,

    · health and safety

    · equality

    · insurance

    · child protection

    · legal obligations

    · ethics and values

    · rules and regulations

    Using your 2 contrasting sports leaders (e.g. Football

    manager, coach, elite athlete, PE teacher etc.) add to your mind map with the responsibilities. For each one, give examples of why they are so important.

    Week 3 Task 3 – Comparison of 2 successful sports leaders

    Using your 2 leaders for Task 1 and 2, you now need to make a comparison of their skills and attributes.

    Give a short introduction to your sport leaders, who they are, what are their achievements and their successes.

    For the comparison you need to consider the following:

    Do the leaders have similar skills? Is one better than the other in a certain area? Why are they so successful?

    Could 1 leader learn something from the other? Do they have areas they need to improve on? How do you know?

    This comparison should be approximately 1 side of A4, and should include at least 6 of the different skills/attributes/responsibilities discussed in tasks 1/2

    Week 4 Task 4 – Lesson plan 1

    As part of your assessment in this unit, you will have to plan and lead a sports session for some year 7 pupils.

    In order to do this, you need to produce 2 different lesson plans for a chosen activity.

    This can be any activity you would usually study at school in PE (e.g. football, netball, basketball, rugby, cricket etc.)

    Using the lesson plan template, you need to plan your session in a sport of your choice.

    For your plan you need to consider the following:

    Type of activity – what will the focus of your lesson be? Shooting? Passing? Tackling? Etc.

    Warm -up – What will you do for a warm-up? It should include the 3 key areas – Pulse raiser / Stretches / Joint mobility. You need to be specific in terms of what you are going to do, including which stretches etc! You can use pictures to help you explain.

    Skill development – how are you going to improve the skill that you had identified (e.g. passing). What practices would you use? How will you set out your area? How will you organise your pupils? How can you adapt it to make it easier or more challenging if the pupils require it? Use diagrams to help you explain!

    Conditioned game – What game will you play? It should not be a full version of the game (e.g 11 v11 football) but should have conditions (rules) to help the pupils develop the skills you are aiming to improve in your lesson. E.g. (for passing, you have to make 5 passes before you can score).  Use diagrams to help you explain!

    Cool down – What are you going to do? Think about what should be in a cool down and explain in as much detail as possible, again use pictures!

    Week 5 Task 4 – Lesson plan 2

    As part of your assessment in this unit, you will have to plan and lead a sports session for some year 7 pupils.

    In order to do this, you need to produce 2 different lesson plans for a chosen activity.

    This can be any activity you would usually study at school in PE (e.g. football, netball, basketball, rugby, cricket etc.)

    Using the lesson plan template, you need to plan your session in a sport of your choice.

    *Remember! This must be a different plan to Lesson plan 1 but can be from the same sport!

    e.g. Lesson plan 1 – passing in football, Lesson plan 2 – shooting in football.*

    For your plan you need to consider the following:

    Type of activity – what will the focus of your lesson be? Shooting? Passing? Tackling? Etc.

    Warm -up – What will you do for a warm-up? It should include the 3 key areas – Pulse raiser / Stretches / Joint mobility. You need to be specific in terms of what you are going to do, including which stretches etc! You can use pictures to help you explain.

    Skill development – how are you going to improve the skill that you had identified (e.g. passing). What practices would you use? How will you set out your area? How will you organise your pupils? How can you adapt it to make it easier or more challenging if the pupils require it? Use diagrams to help you explain!

    Conditioned game – What game will you play? It should not be a full version of the game (e.g 11 v11 football) but should have conditions (rules) to help the pupils develop the skills you are aiming to improve in your lesson. E.g. (for passing, you have to make 5 passes before you can score).  Use diagrams to help you explain!

    Cool down – What are you going to do? Think about what should be in a cool down and explain in as much detail as possible, again use pictures!

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

  • Psychology Curriculum Plan

    Please use the plan for your relevant class. If you are unsure about which class you are in, please contact Miss Booth via SMHW.

    Year 10-1 Psychology – Six week plan

    All materials will be uploaded to SMHW for each lesson

    Psychology Class 10-1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 This week students will be learning about core study 2 from the Social Influence topic- known as the Natcen study.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Check it questions 1-5 on slide 45, and the internal dialogue task on slide 46

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS Students should continue with the work they began in the previous lesson- Core Study 2.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Check it questions 1-5 on slide 45, and the internal dialogue task on slide 46

    Week 2 In this lesson students will be evaluating core study 2 from the Social Influence topic- known as the Natcen study.

    For this lesson students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes and complete all tasks.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-9 on the Natcen study

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS In this lesson study will be learning about the ‘Application’ subtopic of Social Influence, and how knowledge of this area of Psychology can be applied in everyday life.

    For this lesson students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    Week 3 This week students will be starting a new topic of ‘Memory’, and as with any new topic, they must learn the key concepts associated with this topic.


    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-4 on the key concepts

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS Students should continue with the work they began in the previous lesson- Key concepts.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-4 on the key concepts

    Week 4 This week students will be learning about Core Theory 1 from the Memory topic.


    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-2 on Core Theory 1

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS Students should continue with the work they began in the previous lesson- Core Theory 1.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-2 on Core Theory 1

    Week 5 In this lesson students will be evaluating core theory 1 from the Memory topic.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS For this lesson and lesson 1 next week students will be learning about Core study 1 from the Memory topic.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-4, 6-9, and 12 on Core Study 1

    Week 6 Students should continue with the work they began in the previous lesson last week- Core study 1.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-4, 6-9, and 12 on Core Study 1

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS In this lesson students will be evaluating core study 1 from the Memory topic.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 5, 10, 11 on Core Study 1

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

    Year 10-4 Psychology – Six week plan

    All materials will be uploaded to SMHW for each lesson

    Psychology Class 10-4 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
    Week 1 This week students will be learning about core study 2 from the Social Influence topic- known as the Natcen study.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Check it questions 1-5 on slide 45, and the internal dialogue task on slide 46

    Students should continue with the work they began in the previous lesson- Core Study 2.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Check it questions 1-5 on slide 45, and the internal dialogue task on slide 46

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS
    Week 2 In this lesson students will be evaluating core study 2 from the Social Influence topic- known as the Natcen study.

    For this lesson students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes and complete all tasks.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-9 on the Natcen study

    In this lesson study will be learning about the ‘Application’ subtopic of Social Influence, and how knowledge of this area of Psychology can be applied in everyday life.

    For this lesson students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS
    Week 3 This week students will be starting a new topic of ‘Memory’, and as with any new topic, they must learn the key concepts associated with this topic.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-4 on the key concepts

    Students should continue with the work they began in the previous lesson- Key concepts.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-4 on the key concepts

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS
    Week 4 This week students will be learning about Core Theory 1 from the Memory topic.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-2 on Core Theory 1

    Students should continue with the work they began in the previous lesson- Core Theory 1.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-2 on Core Theory 1

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS
    Week 5 In this lesson students will be evaluating core theory 1 from the Memory topic.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    For this lesson and lesson 1 next week students will be learning about Core study 1 from the Memory topic.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-4, 6-9, and 12 on Core Study 1

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS
    Week 6 Students should continue with the work they began in the previous lesson last week- Core study 1.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 1-4, 6-9, and 12 on Core Study 1

    In this lesson students will be evaluating core study 1 from the Memory topic.

    For the 2 lessons students should follow the powerpoint slides, make notes, complete all tasks, and use the attached documents when instructed to do so.

    WORK TO SUBMIT: Exam question booklet- complete and submit questions 5, 10, 11 on Core Study 1

    There will only be 2 lessons per week due to missing a lesson on WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

  • Science Curriculum Plan

    Year 10 Biology

    Biology Lesson 1 Lesson 2
    Week 1

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Microscopes and magnification

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video on   My-GCSE for Biology topic 1 – microscopes and microscopy

    2.) Complete the quiz on  My-GCSE for Biology topic microscopes and microscopy

    * Written work
    Complete the worksheet on microscopes and calculations – pupils do not need to print off the worksheet. They can complete on any paper/format and send through to their class teacher


    Topic 1

    Microscopy required practical

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX6mow1AExI showing the required practical

    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.)  Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical  

    2.) Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions


    Week 1

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Microscopes and magnification

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video on   My-GCSE for Biology topic 1 – microscopes and microscopy

    2.)   Complete the quiz on  My-GCSE for Biology topic microscopes and microscopy

    * Written work

    Complete the worksheet on microscopes and calculations – pupils do not need to print off the worksheet. They can complete on any paper/format and send through to their class teacher. 


    Topic 1

    Microscopy required practical

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX6mow1AExI showing the required practical

    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.)  Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.) Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions


    Week 2

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Plant and animal cells

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Read the information on bitesize page:


    * Written work

    1.) Draw labelled diagrams of both plant and animal cells (or create models using clay/plasticine or household items and send pictures to your teacher via SMHW)

    2.) List down organelles present in both animal and plant cells

    3.) List organelles only present in animal cells


    Seneca task 1.1.3

    Topic 1

    Plant and animal cells

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Read the information on bitesize page:


    * Written work

    1.) Draw labelled diagrams of both plant and animal cells (or create models using clay/plasticine or household items and send pictures to your teacher via SMHW)

    2.) List down organelles present in both animal and plant cells

    3.) List organelles only present in animal cells


    Seneca task 1.1.3


    Week 2

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Plant and animal cells

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Read the information on bitesize page:


    * Written work

    1.) Draw labelled diagrams of both plant and animal cells (or create models using clay/plasticine or household items and send pictures to your teacher via SMHW)

    2.) List down organelles present in both animal and plant cells

    3.) List organelles only present in animal cells

    Topic 1

    Prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)    Watch the video on MYGCSE Science on prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells  

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells




    Week 3

    Sets 1 & 2

     Topic 1

    Culturing microorganisms

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)  Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on culturing microorganisms

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Topic 1

    Culturing microorganisms – Required practical

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)    Watch the video showing the required practical method  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI2Dp5fNdDY

    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.)   Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 
    Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions

    Week 3

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Culturing microorganisms

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on culturing microorganisms

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science


    Topic 1

    Culturing microorganisms – Required practical

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)    Watch the video showing the required practical method  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI2Dp5fNdDY

    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.) Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.) Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions

    Week 4

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Chromosomes and mitosis

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on plant defences

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.) Seneca topic 1.2.1

    Topic 1

    Stem Cells

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on stem cells

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    * Written work

    Worksheet Bio_stemcells_H

    Pupils do not need to print off the worksheet. They can complete on any paper/format and send through to their class teacher. 

    Week 4

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Chromosomes and mitosis

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on plant defences

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.) Seneca topic 1.2.1

     Topic 1

    Stem Cells

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on stem cells

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    * Written work

    Worksheet Bio_stemcells_F

    pupils do not need to print off the worksheet. They can complete on any paper/format and send through to their class teacher. 

    Week 5

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Movement in cells – diffusion

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)  Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on diffusion

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 1.3.1

    Topic 1

    Movement in cells – Osmosis

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on osmosis

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 1.4.1

    Week 5

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Movement in cells – diffusion

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)  Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on diffusion

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 1.3.1

    Topic 1

    Movement in cells – Osmosis

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on osmosis

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 1.4.1

    Week 6

    Sets 1 & 2


    Topic 1

    Osmosis – Required practical

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video:


    * Written work:

    Write up the method for the required practical.

    1.) Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.) Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions

    Topic 1

    Movement in cells – Active transport

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on active transport

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 1.5.1

    Week 6

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Osmosis – Required practical

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video:


    * Written work:

    Write up the method for the required practical.

    1.) Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.)    Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions

    Topic 1

    Movement in cells – Active transport

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on Active transport

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 1.5.1

    Year 10 Chemistry

    Chemistry Lesson 1 Lesson 2
    Week 1

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Models of the atom

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Read the information on the bitesize pages:

    2.) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z3sg2nb/revision/1  

    3.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science, topic 1 – Models of the atom

    * Written work:

    Make a timeline of the development of the model of the atom from Daltons model in 1803 through to our current model of the atom. Include labelled diagrams of each model.

    Extension: Evaluate the importance of Rutherford’s scattering experiment on the developing the models.

    Topic 1

    Atomic structure

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1- atomic structure

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.) Seneca topic 1.1.5


    Week 1

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Microscopes and magnification

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video on   My-GCSE for Biology topic 1 – microscopes and microscopy

    2.)   Complete the quiz on  My-GCSE for Biology topic microscopes and microscopy

    * Written work

    Complete the worksheet on microscopes and calculations – pupils do not need to print off the worksheet. They can complete on any paper/format and send through to their class teacher. 


    Topic 1

    Microscopy required practical

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX6mow1AExI showing the required practical

    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.)  Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.) Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions


    Week 2

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Models of the atom

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)  Read the information on the bitesize pages:

    2.) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z3sg2nb/revision/1  

    3.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science, topic 1 – Models of the atom

    * Written work:

    Make a timeline of the development of the model of the atom from Daltons model in 1803 through to our current model of the atom. Include labelled diagrams of each model.

    Topic 1

    Atomic structure

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1- atomic structure

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.) Seneca topic 1.1.5

    Week 2

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Periodic table

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – periodic table

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.)    Seneca topic 1.1.8

    Topic 1

    Group 1

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Group 1 alkali metals

    * Written work

    1.)  Write down the trend shown in reactivity as you move down group 1 in the periodic table.

    2.) Draw out the electron configuration of the first 3 elements in group 1.

    3.) Use the electron configurations to explain the properties of reactivity for group 1

    Extension: Write out the balanced chemical equations for the reaction of sodium with water.

    Week 3

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Group 7 -Halogens

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Group Halogens

    * Written work

    1.)  Write down the trend shown in reactivity as you move down group 1 in the periodic table, the trend in colour and the density of the elements in group 7 as you move from F to I.

    2.) Draw out the electron configuration of the first 3 elements in group 7.

    3.) Use the electron configurations to explain the properties of reactivity and density for group 7.

    Extension: Write out the balanced chemical equations for displacement reaction between sodium chloride and fluorine gas.


    Topic 1

    Group 0 – Noble gases

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Group 0.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    * Research work

    Find a use for each of the noble gases.

    Evaluate why the properties of each gas makes it suitable for its use.

    Week 3

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Group 7 -Halogens

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Group Halogens

    * Written work

    1.)  Write down the trend shown in reactivity as you move down group 1 in the periodic table, the trend in colour and the density of the elements in group 7 as you move from F to I.

    2.) Draw out the electron configuration of the first 3 elements in group 7.

    3.) Use the electron configurations to explain the properties of reactivity and density for group 7.


    Topic 1

    Group 0 – Noble gases

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Group 0.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    * Research work

    Find a use for each of the noble gases.

    Evaluate why the properties of each gas makes it suitable for its use.


    Week 4

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Transition Elements

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on transition metals

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.)   Seneca task 1.1.11


    AQA Exampro topic test on atomic structure

    Topic 2

    Ionic Bonding

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on ionic bonding

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards

    * Interactive task

     Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    * Written work 

    Draw out diagrams of the ions in the following ionic bonds:

    1.)   Sodium chloride

    2.)   Magnesium Oxide

    Week 4

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Transition Elements

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on transition metals

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.) Seneca task 1.1.11


    AQA Exampro topic test on atomic structure

    Topic 2

    Ionic Bonding

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science ionic bonding

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards

    * Interactive task

     Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    * Written work 

    Draw out diagrams of the ions in the following ionic bonds:

    1.)   Sodium chloride

    2.)   Magnesium Oxide

    Week 5

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 2

    Covalent bonding

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on covalent bonding

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards

     * Written work

    Draw out diagrams to show the following covalent bonds:

    1.)   Hydrogen chloride gas  HCl

    2.)   Chlorine gas Cl2

    Topic 1

    Movement in cells – Osmosis

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.) Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on osmosis

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 1.4.1

    Week 5

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 2

    Covalent bonding

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on covalent bonding

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards

     * Written work

    Draw out diagrams to show the following covalent bonds:

    1.)   Hydrogen chloride gas  HCl

    2.)   Chlorine gas Cl2

    Topic 2

    Metallic bonding

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on Metallic bonding

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards

     * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 2.1.4

    Week 6

    Sets 1 & 2


    Topic 2

    Properties of bonding

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on properties of bonding

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 2.3

    Topic 2

    Carbon Allotropes

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on Graphene and fullerene

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Extension: AQA Exampro unit test on structure and bonding

    Week 6

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 2

    Properties of bonding

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on properties of bonding

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science 
    Seneca task 2.3


    Topic 2

    Carbon Allotropes

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on Graphene and fullerene

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Extension: AQA Exampro unit test on structure and bonding

    Year 10 Physics

    Physics Lesson 1 Lesson 2
    Week 1

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    Energy changes in a system

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on the website below for kinetic energy, GPE & elastic potential energy:


    * Written work  

    1.)   List down the main energy stores

    2.)   List down the main energy pathways

    3.)   Draw some flow diagrams showing the following energy transfers:

    1.)   Dropping a book from a table

    Topic 1

    Energy changes in a system

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Energy changes in a system

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.)   Seneca topic 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

    Week 1

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    Energy changes in a system

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on the website below for kinetic energy, GPE & elastic potential energy:


    * Written work

    1.)   List down the main energy stores

    2.)   List down the main energy pathways

    3.)   Draw some flow diagrams showing the following energy transfers:

    1.)   Dropping a book from a table
    Turning a kettle on

    Topic 1

    Energy changes in a system

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Energy changes in a system

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.)   Seneca topic 1.1.1 and 1.1.2


    Week 2

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1


    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Power

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on

    * Written work 

    Worksheet calculations on power

    pupils do not need to print off the worksheet. They can complete on any paper/format and send through to their class teacher. 


    Topic 1

    Conservation and dissipation of energy

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Power

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE Science


    Week 2

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1


    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Power

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on

    * Written work 

    Worksheet calculations on power

    pupils do not need to print off the worksheet. They can complete on any paper/format and send through to their class teacher. 


    Topic 1

    Conservation and dissipation of energy

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – Power

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE Science


    Week 3

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 1

    National and global resources :non -renewable energy

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – National and global resources

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on
    Seneca 1.3.1

    Topic 1

    National and global resources – renewable energy

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)  Watch the video on https://www.freesciencelessons.co.uk/gcse-physics-paper-1/energy/

    * Written work

    List down the 7 main renewable energy sources. Explain briefly how each one generates electricity and then write down some advantages and disadvantages for each energy source.

    Extension: AQA Exampro unit 1 energy unit test

    Week 3

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 1

    National and global resources :non -renewable energy

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE Science topic 1 – National and global resources

    * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on
    Seneca 1.3.1

    Topic 1

    National and global resources – renewable energy

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)  Watch the video on https://www.freesciencelessons.co.uk/gcse-physics-paper-1/energy/

    * Written work

    List down the 7 main renewable energy sources. Explain briefly how each one generates electricity and then write down some advantages and disadvantages for each energy source.

    Extension: AQA Exampro unit 1 energy unit test

    Week 4

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 2

    Introduction to electricity

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Read through the notes on BBC bitesize website:


    * Written work 

    From memory, now try to draw down the circuit symbols for:

     – lamp/bulb

    – Switch

     – Cell

     – Battery

     – Ammeter

     – Voltmeter

     – Diode

     – Thermistor

     – Resistor

     – LDR

     – LED


    From memory, try to write the units for the following:

     – current

     – potential difference

     – resistance
     – Charge


    Topic 2

    Series and parallel circuits

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on series and parallel circuits

    2.) Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    1.)   Seneca task 2.3.3 and 2.3.5

    Week 4

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 2

    Introduction to electricity

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Read through the notes on BBC bitesize website:


    * Written work 

    From memory, now try to draw down the circuit symbols for:

     – lamp/bulb

    – Switch

     – Cell

     – Battery

     – Ammeter

     – Voltmeter

     – Diode

     – Thermistor

     – Resistor

     – LDR

     – LED


    From memory, try to write the units for the following:

     – current

     – potential difference

     – resistance
     – Charge

    Topic 2

    Series and parallel circuits

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on series and parallel circuits

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    2.)   Seneca task 2.3.3 and 2.3.5

    Week 5

    Sets 1 & 2

    Topic 2

    Investigating resistance in circuit

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on resistance

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards


     * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 2..2.1 and 2.2.2

    Topic 2

    Investigating resistance in circuit – required practical 1

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video:


    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.)  Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.)  Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions
    Write a conclusion for what the data should show you – why does this happen?

    Week 5

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 2

    Investigating resistance in circuit

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)  Watch the video tutorial on resistance

    2.)  Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

     * Interactive task

    Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science

    Seneca task 2..2.1 and 2.2.2

    Topic 2

    Investigating resistance in circuit – required practical 1

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video:


    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.)  Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.)  Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions. Write a conclusion for what the data should show you – why does this happen?

    Week 6

    Sets 1 & 2


    Topic 2

    Investigating resistance in circuit – required practical 2

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video:


    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.)   Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.)   Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions
    Write a conclusion for what the data should show you – why does this happen?


    Topic 2

    Domestic uses and safety

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on domestic uses and safety

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science  

    2.) Seneca tasks 2.4.1 – 2.4.4


    Week 6

    Sets 3-5

    Topic 2

    Investigating resistance in circuit – required practical 2

    Knowledge Tasks:

    Watch the video:


    * Written work

    Write up the method  for the required practical.

    1.)   Make a list of all the equipment needed for the practical 

    2.)   Write down a step by step method for carrying out the practical including any safety precautions
    Write a conclusion for what the data should show you – why does this happen?

    Topic 2

    Domestic uses and safety

    Knowledge Tasks:

    1.)   Watch the video tutorial on MYGCSE science on domestic uses and safety

    2.)   Download the notes and complete using the video or make your own flash cards.

    * Interactive task

    1.) Complete the quiz and exam questions on MYGCSE science  

    2.) Seneca tasks 2.4.1 – 2.4.4

    You can download the above table by clicking here.

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