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Southmoor Ski Supreme

Over Easter pupils embarked upon our annual ski visit to Grandvalira in Andorra. Skiers of all abilities enjoyed a fantastic week with excellent conditions of fresh snow to either learn the basics or challenge their skills on the more advanced runs. Thank you to all involved… we...
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How to Not Be ‘That Guy’

External visitor Mark Lloyd presented an assembly about the dangers of being ‘That Guy’, or rather, of making yourself into an example other people use to highlight the pitfalls of modern issues including cyber bullying, sexting or peer pressure. Mark’s presentation raised...
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Hoodie Heaven

We saw much anticipated first release of the ‘Class of 2019’ hoodies. Year 11 students who met the criteria by attending study sessions and completing revision passports have earned the right to early access of their hoodies. We look forward to rewarding more of our...
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Marvellous Maestros

Well done to our musical prodigies who have passed their latest musical grading exams. Jack Stead received a distinction for his Grade 4 piano, Joseph Gonzalez picked up a distinction for Grade 8 clarinet and a merit for his Grade 6 Theory, whilst Callum...
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Eggy Hegarty

We rewarded the top Year 11 students who have been taking advantage of the Hegarty Maths online resource to help boost their studies. Hegarty Maths is a tool designed to encourage independent learning and support students as they revise for their exams. Our top 12 users each...
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Health & Social Superstars

We are proud to announce four students on the CACHE Technical Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care have achieved A*!  Lauren Hindmarsh and Robyn Doeg have gained early entry onto the Adult Nursing Degree at Sunderland University which starts next...
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