School Diversity Week
Southmoor Academy will be celebrating ‘School Diversity Week’ during personal development time this week. Students will complete a ‘LGBT+ quiz’, create a ‘diversi-tree’, and offer their opinions in a LGBT+ debate. Students can send photos of their complete work to or their form tutor.
You can also find out what the charity ‘Just like us’ are offering to help us to celebrate ‘School Diversity Week’. Visit this page to find more.
Listed below are just a few of their classes.
Coronavirus – all your questions answered with Dr Ranj
Ages 8-13
Date 22-06-2020 Time 14:30 – 15:00
Sabah Choudrey on Gender diversity
Ages 14-16
Date 22-06-2020 Time 15:30 – 16:00
Fox and the Owl on ‘film-making’ and ‘let’s read are you a boy or a girl’
Ages 11-16
Date 23-06-2020 Time 12.00