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BBC Bitesize Tour Comes to Southmoor
We were delighted to welcome into school the BBC, as part of their Bitesize Schools Tour, to deliver live presentations to students in Years 8, 9, 10 and Sixth Form about Careers in Innovation. Hosted by Radio 1Xtra and BBC Sport presenter Nick Bright, students were introduced to three special guests from local businesses, including a Concept Artist from Atomhawk Design (movies and computer games designer based in Gateshead), a BBC Principal Systems Engineer, and a chocolate producer from the Chocolate Smiths Company in Newcastle (manufacturers of the ‘Bizarre’ brand of chocolate). Nick asked the guests to speak about their career pathways, about their roles in their businesses and how students can pursue a career in this sector. Our students then had the opportunity to ask questions with the guests. We are delighted that many of the visitors would like to work with the school in the future.